#AfricanSpring from #poverty of #FrancAfrique after 56 year of #kleptocracy by the Bongo family for Total and Perenco- should be supported by the AU.
#PetroOligarchsAreRICO #PanamaPapers #PublishingIsntACrime #neoconservatism #RealEstateLaundering
#africanspring #poverty #francafrique #Kleptocracy #petrooligarchsarerico #panamapapers #publishingisntacrime #neoconservatism #realestatelaundering
Don't even think that these kinds of people simply disappeared from the US. They still rule the country.
The Military-Industrial Complex Is Finally Facing Intense Bipartisan Scrutiny
This week’s NDAA fight in the Rules Committee and later on the House floor will be a fresh test for the new populist right which has taken an isolationist turn away from the #neoconservatism that previously dominated of whether their opposition to the global war machine is talk on a podcast or something capable of marshaling enough support to be a real threat to the #militaryindustrialcomplex.
#neoconservatism #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Meghan McCain Declares Her Toddler Kids Will Attend ‘Woke College’ Over 'My Dead Body' #Jezebel #fatimamousamohammed #neoconservatism #americanwriters #meghanmccain #womenwriters #socialissues #johnmccain #chickfila #education #writers #theview #mccain
#jezebel #fatimamousamohammed #neoconservatism #americanwriters #meghanmccain #womenwriters #socialissues #johnmccain #chickfila #education #writers #TheView #mccain
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Sex Police Meghan McCain Reporting for Duty #Jezebel #statesoftheunitedstates #georgestephanopolous #neoconservatism #americanwriters #gwynethpaltrow #markconsuelos #militarybrats #meghantrainor #meghanmccain #rachelbilson #aliwentworth #benaffleck #kellyripa #bradpitt #abcnews #mccain #actors #title #no
#jezebel #statesoftheunitedstates #georgestephanopolous #neoconservatism #americanwriters #gwynethpaltrow #markconsuelos #militarybrats #meghantrainor #meghanmccain #rachelbilson #aliwentworth #benaffleck #kellyripa #bradpitt #abcnews #mccain #actors #title #no
It's not easy to admit one of the core ideas of your professional existence for several decades was wrong. It's harder to admit it publicly. Max Boot on how he left #neoconservatism #foreignaffairs #politics
#politics #foreignaffairs #neoconservatism
when the bible of #neoconservatism starts to concede, it means things are not looking good for the warmongers in #Washington and #Brussels
#neoconservatism #washington #brussels
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Meghan McCain Says She’s Being Pressured to Take Ozempic to Shed Baby Weight #Jezebel #jezebelkadyruthashcraft #health2cmedical2cpharma #antidiabeticmedication #antiobesitymedication #humanreproduction #neoconservatism #americanwriters #women27shealth #meghanmccain #kylerichards #semaglutide #bendomenech #johnmccain #midwifery #elonmusk #chelsea #women #rtt
#jezebel #jezebelkadyruthashcraft #health2cmedical2cpharma #antidiabeticmedication #antiobesitymedication #humanreproduction #neoconservatism #americanwriters #women27shealth #meghanmccain #kylerichards #semaglutide #bendomenech #johnmccain #midwifery #elonmusk #chelsea #women #rtt
The ten commandments of conservative political parties.
#Republicans #Conservatives #Nationals #Liberals #Nationals #Tories #neoconservatism #Trump #capitalism #environment #atheism #religion #economics
Number 10 - The sure and certain knowledge that all recent social and cultural developments are both evil and dangerous, and that there is no limit to the depth of time at which a preferred society will be found (Victorian? Medieval? Dark Ages? Roman? Egyptian?)
#republicans #conservatives #nationals #liberals #tories #neoconservatism #trump #capitalism #environment #atheism #religion #economics
The ten commandments of conservative political parties.
#Republicans #Conservatives #Nationals #Liberals #Nationals #Tories #neoconservatism #Trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
Number 9 - A certainty that society has no place for scientists (referred to as experts) because conservative ideology is all they know and all they need to know.
#republicans #conservatives #nationals #liberals #tories #neoconservatism #trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
The ten commandments of conservative political parties.
#Republicans #Conservatives #Nationals #Liberals #Nationals #Tories #neoconservatism #Trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
Number 8 - Have members who, by happy chance, are too old to personally fight in the wars which are an essential part of capitalism.
#republicans #conservatives #nationals #liberals #tories #neoconservatism #trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
The ten commandments of conservative political parties.
#Republicans #Conservatives #Nationals #Liberals #Nationals #Tories #neoconservatism #Trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
Number 7 - The firm conviction that the role of media in society is to present the beliefs of conservatives, all the beliefs of conservatives, and nothing but the beliefs of conservatives..
#republicans #conservatives #nationals #liberals #tories #neoconservatism #trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
The ten commandments of conservative political parties.
#Republicans #Conservatives #Nationals #Liberals #Nationals #Tories #neoconservatism #Trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
Number 6 - A belief that any education of the lower orders is too much education.
#republicans #conservatives #nationals #liberals #tories #neoconservatism #trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
The ten commandments of conservative political parties.
#Republicans #Conservatives #Nationals #Liberals #Nationals #Tories #neoconservatism #Trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
Number 5 - Brains replaced by calculating machines, set to measure the price of everything and the value of nothing
#republicans #conservatives #nationals #liberals #tories #neoconservatism #trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
The ten commandments of conservative political parties.
#Republicans #Conservatives #Nationals #Liberals #Nationals #Tories #neoconservatism #Trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
Number 4 - An attitude that anything in the environment you can't make a buck from is disposable, anything you can make a buck from, ditto.
#republicans #conservatives #nationals #liberals #tories #neoconservatism #trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
The ten commandments of conservative political parties.
#Republicans #Conservatives #Nationals #Liberals #Nationals #Tories #neoconservatism #Trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
Number 3- The knowledge that religion is the handmaiden of conservative politics, particularly by labelling the rulers as being annointed by god, and convincing the poor that they will get their reward after death and not before.
#republicans #conservatives #nationals #liberals #tories #neoconservatism #trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
The ten commandments of conservative political parties. #Republicans #Conservatives #Nationals #Liberals #Nationals #Tories #neoconservatism #Trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
Number2 - A policy that no limitation of any kind should be applied to the ever-rising profits of corporations, while insisting that it is never the right time for workers to have a pay rise (two policies that are not unrelated).
#republicans #conservatives #nationals #liberals #tories #neoconservatism #trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
The ten commandments of conservative political parties. #Republicans #Conservatives #Nationals #Liberals #Nationals #Tories #neoconservatism #Trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
"Conservative" political parties in western countries all share ten fundamental features.
Number 1 - The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy, and a determination to put a stop to it.
#religion #economics #republicans #conservatives #nationals #liberals #tories #neoconservatism #trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism
The ten commandments of conservative political parties
#Republicans #Conservatives #Nationals #Liberals #Nationals #Tories #neoconservatism #Trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
#republicans #conservatives #nationals #liberals #tories #neoconservatism #trump #capitalism #environment #atheiism #religion #economics
Interesting interview, especially considering how influential Fukuyama was with his 'The End of History' hypothesis in the 90s and his association with neoconservativism
Liberalism is in Trouble | Aaron Bastani meets Francis Fukuyama | Downstream
This podcast on that period of political malaise I found particularly useful in understanding this period
#neoliberalism #fukuyama #neoconservatism #novaramedia
#novaramedia #fukuyama #neoconservatism #neoliberalism