#American society spawns trauma and this #trauma expresses itself in a variety of #selfdestructive #pathologies, including the erosion of #democracy and rise of #neofascism.
#american #trauma #selfdestructive #pathologies #democracy #neofascism
"#Changeless #Change"
#Liberals in a Nutshell
- 1Dime via #youtube
#classwar #capitalism #fascism #apathy #rightwing #farright #neoliberal #neofascism
#changeless #change #liberals #youtube #classwar #capitalism #fascism #apathy #rightwing #farright #neoliberal #neofascism
People talk about how they wish for the good ole days. Yet they don't realize that means covering up dysfunction, family shame, living fake lives, being married to someone who is not truly in love with to satisfy their family just to portray an image. Yes we have people living on the streets, homeless, who struggle with addiction. The only difference is it's not hidden; like the good ole days. History repeats. #shame #addiction #fakelives #bigots #redneckfuckers #neofascism #liars #politics
#shame #addiction #fakelives #bigots #redneckfuckers #neofascism #liars #politics
“For all its Mussolinian roots, [Meloni’s] government is no return to the past. Instead, in galvanising the political right behind a resentful identity politics, it risks becoming something else entirely: Europe’s future.”
#neofascism #italy #giogiameloni
The Onion: Older Bigot Didn’t Need Social Media Algorithm To Start Down Path Of White Supremacy https://www.theonion.com/older-bigot-didn-t-need-social-media-algorithm-to-start-1850664451 #reconstructionera #racialsegregation #whiteseparatism #whitesupremacy #socialissues #neofascism #alansmith
#reconstructionera #racialsegregation #whiteseparatism #whitesupremacy #socialissues #neofascism #alansmith
The Onion: Older Bigot Didn’t Need Social Media Algorithm To Start Down Path Of White Supremacy https://www.theonion.com/older-bigot-didn-t-need-social-media-algorithm-to-start-1850664451 #reconstructionera #racialsegregation #whiteseparatism #whitesupremacy #socialissues #neofascism #alansmith
#reconstructionera #racialsegregation #whiteseparatism #whitesupremacy #socialissues #neofascism #alansmith
The Onion: Older Bigot Didn’t Need Social Media Algorithm To Start Down Path Of White Supremacy https://www.theonion.com/older-bigot-didn-t-need-social-media-algorithm-to-start-1850664451 #reconstructionera #racialsegregation #whiteseparatism #whitesupremacy #socialissues #neofascism #alansmith
#reconstructionera #racialsegregation #whiteseparatism #whitesupremacy #socialissues #neofascism #alansmith
It's a phase. "Ultra-rightwing politics will retreat. Ultimately, people want prosperity, security and fairness, not performative politics. The right are poor at running modern capitalist economies well or facing the reality that the climate and environment are degenerating before our eyes. Truth will out. Hard-won personal freedoms are not going to be relinquished. Hating the other burns out eventually. Ways will be found to manage immigration with decency." #neofascism
Field Notes from the Frontlines of the Government's War on the Left
Michael Gould-Wartofsky on his TomDispatch article, "American Inquisition: Field Notes from the Frontlines of the Government's War on the Left," which also appeared at Salon.
#copaganda #stateterror #neofascism #fascism #indirectplutocracy
#copaganda #stateterror #neofascism #fascism #indirectplutocracy
Roger #Cook to become WA's 31st #fascist #nazi Premier, following fascist nazi Mark #McGowan's shock departure
#wapol #ausgov #politas #WesternAustralia #classwar #corrupt #wagov #fascists #neofascism #neonazi #nazis #statism #capitalism #corruptpolitics
#cook #Fascist #nazi #mcgowan #wapol #AusGov #politas #WesternAustralia #classwar #corrupt #wagov #fascists #neofascism #neonazi #nazis #statism #capitalism #corruptpolitics
French neo-fascists are celebrating the legacy of Dominique Venner, who killed himself 10 years ago this week with a gunshot to the head inside the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. He provides us with a great illustration of two principles I think about a lot: 1. “Replacement” ideology is a direct corollary to colonial ideology, and 2. The reactionary warrior cult is, ultimately, a death cult.
Venner made his first big splash in the world as a member of the Organization Armée Secrète (OAS, Secret Armed Organization) in the early 1960s. The name is as apt as it is unimaginative: they were a clandestine group within the French army. More specifically, while I’m generally not crazy about using the word “terrorist” where it’s anything less than a slam dunk, it does apply pretty neatly to Venner’s crew. They tortured people and carried out assassinations and bombings in the hope of both impeding the Algerian independence movement and stopping De Gaulle (who they also attempted to kill) from letting Algeria go. For all that, Venner spent only a year and a half in prison.
So he was obviously an ardent advocate for European settler colonialism. Or, put another way, he was fine with demographic replacement, so long as it was the right kind of demographic replacement. And he knew exactly how violent that process was. He had seen it up close and personal. He had directly participated in it. Is it any wonder, then, that he was absolutely terrified of brown-skinned people, particularly Muslims, taking up space within France and reproducing at higher rates than white, Christian French people? He was very much invested in the idea that different populations couldn’t just peacefully coexist, but rather that one always had to dominate the other. The thought of losing the upper hand must’ve really kept him up at night.
Despite the fact that concepts like “ethnopluralism” (coined by Henning Eichberg, an admirer of Venner’s) and “the great replacement” caught on as buffers against charges of blunt racism, I don’t think it’s any exaggeration to say that the people who embrace those ideas most vigorously are also the ones most resentful of post-Enlightenment principles like universal human rights and equality, which logically (at least in theory) point toward anti-racism and anti-colonialism. These people know just how violent those institutions are, and their rigidly hierarchical worldview makes them dread being on the receiving end. They can’t stand the idea of not being on top, because they only see one, absolutely terrifying alternative.
After he got out of the army, Venner first went into organizing young nationalist militants for several years. He then became a historian, writing very extensively (not to say obsessively) about the history of firearms and warfare. He also wrote a biography of Ernst Jünger, whose legacy is complicated, but whose early writings present war as a transcendent experience and the height of human experience.
Venner’s legacy is one of promoting nationalist militancy, and its absolute dead-end finality couldn’t be better encapsulated than by a guy who wanted to protest against the possibility that other people might get married, so he killed himself in a gruesome and public way. His final statement, in the name of Christian values (“pro-life”!) and racial competition, was a bloody one in opposition to marriage equality. If the logic of your ideology leads you to conclude that a big, dramatic suicide is a reasonable expression of opposition to other people just doing their thing and being happy, then you clearly value controlling other people’s lives over living your own. What is that, if not a death cult?
At any rate, the article below was published right after Venner killed himself. It’s a solid, brief summary of a terrible person. Worth checking out.
#Venner, #NouvelleDroite, #GreatReplacement, #neofascism, #ethnopluralism, #NotreDame, #colonialism,
#venner #nouvelledroite #greatreplacement #neofascism #ethnopluralism #notredame #colonialism
Impressive! #Navalny has already 15! Years ago, shot the trailer for the Oscar-winning “documentary”. As everyone knows, he openly practiced #neofascism and pro-#Russian racism. I think it's good that you are finally open about your deeply reactionary worldview, which is worth fighting. Nothing about you was ever #leftwing #progressive, or #democratic, and finally, finally you're standing up for it. You can buy strong rope at any hardware store. #freeassange https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVNJiO10SWw
#freeassange #democratic #progressive #leftwing #russian #neofascism #navalny
If y' dislike:
• #Tories; • #Fascism;
• #NeoFascism • #TheRightWing
• #BorisconiJohnson
• #ReesMogg • #François
• #Coffey (et al) • #FPTP • #Brexit
(...or any of their non-"U"K🇬🇧 equivalents) then we might like following each other.
[👇 Just getting in early! 🙂]
#brexit #FPTP #coffey #francois #reesmogg #borisconijohnson #therightwing #neofascism #fascism #tories
Recently three Conservative MPs in Canada in Canada got caught meeting with a German Neo-NAZI in a cross-country tour. Our buddy Pierre Poilievre has announced that these three folks didn't know a thing about what she really stands for and he vigorously stands for. Unfortunately, that was gas lighting b*llsh*t, as pointed out by Justin Ling in his substack.
Boost this post, please.
#JustinLing #PierrePoilievre #Conservatives #Racism #AntiVaxx #NeoNazi #NeoFascism
#justinling #pierrepoilievre #conservatives #racism #antivaxx #Neonazi #neofascism
🌞 Good morning Brits! 🌞
!Welcome to the Weekend!
(PS: Your country's being taken over by #far_right #authoritarian #NeoFascists and they are 'back-door' privatising your #NHS public healthcare system for personal profit.
Did you notice? Do you care? #Wakey #Wakey! 🙂)
#uk #ukpolitics #nhs #fascism #neofascism #tories #authoritarianism
#authoritarianism #tories #neofascism #fascism #ukpolitics #uk #wakey #nhs #neofascists #authoritarian #far_right
“Virginia governor blocks bill banning police from seeking menstrual histories. Glenn Youngkin essentially kills bill passed in Democratic-led state senate to ban search warrants for menstrual data on tracking apps” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/16/virginia-governor-glenn-youngkin-extreme-bill-police-menstrual-histories #Abortion #TrackingApps #NeoFascism @sociology @politicaltheory
#abortion #trackingapps #neofascism
If anything it makes me more positive about a post-#GE, post-#ERGTory world.
I'd like to be rid of #Tory #NeoFascism *AND* be rid of people screaming about a replacement ideology that's never worked anywhere*.
Give me boring, tedious common sense.
(*Yes, I do mean the "S-Word".
I've had a bellyfull of hearing about how only *that* can save us, despite 100+ years of its mere mention leading to electoral oblivion and...more actual, card-carrying #Tories.)
#tories #neofascism #tory #ergtory #ge
#Reaganomics #neofascism #neofascist #Reagan #GOP #CitizensUnited #SCOTUS #MiddleClass #Corporatocracy #NewDeal #FDR #Economics #Economy #Democracy #republicans #AmericanExperiment
#reaganomics #neofascism #neofascist #reagan #gop #citizensunited #scotus #middleclass #corporatocracy #newdeal #fdr #economics #economy #democracy #republicans #americanexperiment
Something to remember:
Just because right-wing neofascism is growing faster in another country, it doesn't mean it won't grow in yours.
That's something I had to remind myself this morning.
Keep being a democracy-fighter, 24/7. It's often something ya gotta push yourself to be.
However, the feeling of being one is superb, better than anything else.
#FightForDemocracy #FightFascim #VoteRepublicansOut #StopMAGA #neofascism #democrats #dems #liberal #lib #left #leftism #liberty
#FightFascim #VoteRepublicansOut #stopmaga #neofascism #democrats #dems #liberal #lib #left #leftism #liberty #fightfordemocracy