@PINE64 #rockpro64
#Sonic the Hedgehog movie
@thelinuxEXP podcast
#10thingsiloverightnow #debian #neofetch #budgie #bacon #cheeseburgers #lazydays #coffee #rockpro64 #sonic
Hoy, en mi #viernesdeescritorio para @podcastlinux Sigo con mi persecución a los #terraplanistas, demostrandoles que #Marte , para su dolor, tambien es redondo. Es una foto de la #Nasa durante la mision #MAVEN , en la que descubrieron que el #planetarojo tenia "cola". Sigo con mi #LinuxMint 21.2 #Cinnamon #Linux #GNU #GNUlinux #neofetch
#viernesdeescritorio #terraplanistas #marte #NASA #maven #PlanetaRojo #linuxmint #cinnamon #linux #gnu #GNUlinux #neofetch
So this weekend I think I will do a few tech related things:
1) set up #pihole on a Raspberry Pi Zero W that I have laying around
2) move my main pc from #Debian Stable to #Sid
3) More #Neofetch customizations (more likely in my main pc and #Rockpro64)
Yay for a 3 day weekend!
#pihole #debian #sid #neofetch #rockpro64
The Best Modern Linux Commands For Beginners And Experts #ModernLinuxCommands #LinuxCommandsAlternatives #httpie #bat #ncdu #htop #fd #exa #duf #tldr #autojump #zoxide #ripgrep #sd #jq #neofetch #dust #fossil #poetry #Commandline #Productivity #Linux #LinuxCommands #Linuxhowto
#modernlinuxcommands #linuxcommandsalternatives #httpie #bat #ncdu #htop #fd #exa #duf #tldr #autojump #zoxide #ripgrep #sd #jq #neofetch #dust #fossil #poetry #commandLine #productivity #Linux #linuxcommands #linuxhowto
All the multilingual geniuses use the internet in English. Their OS often runs English. They code in English as "int myVariable = 0". They #neofetch on #terminal :terminal: in English. They git, wget, and curl in English. They collaborate on #opensource projects in English. Yet, they do not accept a clean #mastodon instance like #Fosstodon because it priorities #English for #moderation sack. I won't tell you how many languages are in my daily use, but hey, I use English as a quaternary language.
#neofetch #terminal #opensource #mastodon #fosstodon #english #moderation
Salut salut les matopouets !
Je me suis enfin rappelé du mot de passe pour me connecter !
Bon plein de découvertes linuxiennes intéressantes comme souvent, je les partagerai au fur et à mesure de leur rédaction.
En attendant un petit screenshot teasing.
#Linux #Apple #Refurb #debian #screenshot #neofetch #screenfetch
#screenfetch #neofetch #screenshot #debian #refurb #apple #linux
@awoodsnet I am interested to see the results. #neofetch is something I always install. And I always cringe at the number of dependencies it brings. The smaller the distro or container, the worse it feels.
باینری فقط باینری #neofetch .
اگه همه باینری ها مثل این بود الان نرم افزار آزاد بی معنی بود.
Being that I have become a #Debian dude, I spent the day moving my #Rockpro64 set up over to the Mighty D (insert childish giggling).
It was pretty smooth outside of getting the wifi working. All is good now.
#debian #rockpro64 #sbc #persona4 #neofetch #fish #tokodon
Para mi #ViernesDeEscritorio de @podcastlinux Algo dedicado a los #terraplanistas que todabia existen por ahi... Sigo con mi #LinuxMint 21.02 #Cinnamon, esta semana, estrenando nueva grafica #RTX3060Ti #Linux #Linuxgamer #neofetch
#viernesdeescritorio #terraplanistas #linuxmint #cinnamon #rtx3060ti #linux #linuxgamer #neofetch
We now have #neofetch working with a Salix logo and everything! You can read more about it in our blog: https://blog.salixos.org/post/show-off/
There are days when you improve your setup and find yourself more in love with it than ever. Today is one of those days 😍
#archlinux #tmux #neovim #alacritty #neofetch #gnome
Wonder when we'll see a stable release of SteamOS 3.5 and if it'll have that /nix directory included...
#neofetch #fastfetch #steamdeck
#neofetch #fastfetch #SteamDeck
I have fell in deep into the theming world of #linux; I blame it all on @thelinuxcast.
He is my quick "spooky" theming I put together on my @maboxlinux set up with customized-ish #Neofetch
Thanks to @thelinuxcast I got sucked into #Neofetch customizing. This is just the tip of the iceberg....
#neofetch #unixporn #dragonball #linux #xfce #debian
Przejście na Debiana uważam za zakończone: wszystko działa jak należy, cały pakiet aplikacji zainstalowany z flathuba, w zasadzie jedyny mankament to brak skalowania ułamkowego ekranu, będę musiał jeszcze podłubać nad tym.
Obowiązkowy zrzut ekranu z neofetchem żeby być cool :happy_anarcat: :debian:
#Linux #switchingtolinux #Debian #neofetch #desktop