Why are Supergun either 30$ or 150$ with no in-between
I just need one for my Neo Geo MVS (picture attached) but I don't know which one I should get, anyone got recommendations?
It needs to have joystick ports and some way to get RGB (I'm in the EU and can use SCART effortlessly)
#neogeomvs #arcadecabinet #arcade #arcadegaming #neogeo
It arrived! And I got a scam scare at first LMAO (that Wii box is better than the one I have lmao, might swap them)
Here it is, my Neo Geo MVS! I need to get a supergun now, but other than dust it looks perfect, its this model http://www.hardmvs.fr/html/MV-1B.htm
The 5th pin of the JAMMA header looks consumed but it was sold as "tested ok" so I hope it's not necessary lol
What is a good #supergun for a #neogeo #neogeomvs ?
Hopefully cheap or at least with the possibility of paying in installments
I don't know the model and I don't have it yet but those are the pictures from the sale
@Natanox Ja und nein.
https://shadow.tech hat da durchaus mit gute Erfahrungen.
Kostenmößig ist das aber sicherlich nicht drin...
Was ich aber habe ist ein #NeoGeoMVS samt 1 Controller und Adapter um's an nen Monitor / TV per HDMI anzubinden...
Und ein paar coole Games wie #MetalSlug X & #NeoTurfMasters...
#NeoTurfMasters #metalslug #neogeomvs
My extremely amateur attempt at making a case for my #neogeo MVS board and #sanwa #arcade stick out of an old wine box. A great system that deserves better, think this weekend will be making a proper case from.....something.
#retrogames #retrogamer #retrogaming #neogeo #neogeomvs #arcade #gaming #thriftgaming
#neogeo #sanwa #arcade #retrogames #retrogamer #retrogaming #neogeomvs #gaming #thriftgaming
Fatal Fury 2 Restoration: pulizia schede, nuova label repro e lavaggio completo della cartuccia!
Tornato nuovo e funzionante!
(Pagato 20 euro… altro che digital download! 😂😂😂)
#mvsgames #mvs #neogeomvs #neogeo #cartdrige #realhardware #fatalfury2
#mvsgames #mvs #neogeomvs #neogeo #cartdrige #realhardware #fatalfury2
Con l’arrivo stasera dei capitoli 98,99 e 2000 completo la collezione KOF MVS dal 94 al 2002! Così tanto per… picchiare duro un po’ dato che nel weekend danno pioggia! E via di partitozze al cabinato! Giù il gettone! #mvs #mvsgames #neogeomvs #neogeo #kof #picchiaduro
#mvs #mvsgames #neogeomvs #neogeo #kof #picchiaduro
Copia digitale? No Grazie!
Qua stampiamo Artset Neogeo plastificati su carta Fabriano da abbinare ai minibox e dei giochi MVS.
D’altronde, quando si hanno dei gioielli, bisogna presentarli bene con la giusta cornice!
#artset #neogeo #neogeomvs #arcadegames #salagiochisegreta #collezionesegreta
#artset #neogeo #neogeomvs #arcadegames #salagiochisegreta #collezionesegreta