Buchanan’s Double Acrostic, 1568
“Buchanan dedicated this collection, Franciscanus and Other Poems (1568; literally ‘… and its brother poems’) to Queen Elizabeth I, in a poem that encodes a double-acrostic: the first and last letters of each line, read left-right in turn, spelling-out THE SPANISH INQUISITION. Nobody expects that!”
Adam Roberts continues his exploration of George Buchanan’s #neoLatin poetry
#Scottish #literature #latin #earlymodern
#earlymodern #latin #literature #scottish #neolatin
RT @DigNeoLatin@twitter.com
About 2 months left to register for the first digital@IANLS workshop: Learn the basics of #Wikidata and how to use it in your #Neolatin research. Event is online, free, and open to all. More info on event and registration at: https://ianls.com/news/digitalianls-wikidata-workshop/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DigNeoLatin/status/1610883079639277568
I really love languages and especially (because I've studied some of them) romance or neo latin languages. We know about or learn some of the most known romance languages like French, Italian or Spanish and Portuguese. But there are others too! Like Catalan, Romanian, Sardinian, Romansh or Ladin e.g. Very beautiful languages: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romance_languages #romancelanguages #NeoLatin #languages #study
#romancelanguages #neolatin #languages #study
Si je vous parlais un peu d’Etienne Dolet (1509-1546) ce soir ? Un homme dont le talent n’a d’égal que son mauvais caractère, qui est monté très haut dans l’estime de ses contemporains avant d’être lâché par tous ses amis, puis ses protecteurs, et de finir sur un bûcher place Maubert à Paris. Auteur en vers et en prose, en latin et en français, imprimeur, humaniste, c’est un personnage aussi fascinant que détestable. #HistoireDuLivre #BookHistory #NeoLatin #Humanism #Renaissance
#renaissance #humanism #neolatin #bookhistory #histoiredulivre
Using @Transkribus@twitter.com to recognize #neolatin texts produced in Riga in the 16th-17th century as a basis for Riga humanists corpora that we are building @LiterataRiga@twitter.com #DigitalHumanities
Thanks to @readcoop@twitter.com #MyTranskribusStory
#mytranskribusstory #digitalhumanities #neolatin
CfP - IJsewijn Lecture & Laboratorium (Leuven, 25-26 May 2023)
The Seminarium Philologiae Humanisticae invites Neo-Latinists to send in contributions for the new IJsewijn Lecture & Laboratorium.
This initiative revives the annual IJsewijn Lecture in a novel format, but preserving some classical ingredients.
The 15th IJsewijn Lecture will take place on Thursday 25 May 2023, at 5pm, in the Justus Lipsius Room of the Erasmushuis in Leuven.