It would be great if folks who want to talk about Sawant on every single episode of their podcast … maybe they should actually interview Sawant once in awhile and ask her these same questions.
@BrentInMasto @Catawu Need link added. I was there for several months. Was assaulted, abused & kidnapped/released by RCMP CIRG in middle of nowhere, had thousands of my media gear & personal gear stolen & rest destroyed by RCMP telling their ecocidal buddies it was OK to run over my entire tent, contents & all - after telling me that I can come back to get my gear. They dropped charges despite me asking to be charged so I could go to court.
#BCNDP = #NewDeathParty & they're #neoliberals 🤮
#bcndp #newdeathparty #neoliberals
"#Watching various #secular/ #religious #Nationalists, #Imperialists, #Wagnerites, #vatniks, #state #socialists of various #patriotisms, and #neoliberals all #arguing about how best to #exploit a #Niger in #crisis... not a one caring about the #people or #planet.
It's not 2023, it's 1823."
via #theanarchistfederation
#Watching #secular #religious #nationalists #imperialists #wagnerites #vatniks #state #socialists #patriotisms #neoliberals #arguing #exploit #niger #crisis #people #planet #theanarchistfederation
Current ideological options aren’t good enough!
The #nazis are unproductive reactionaries retreating into hate and fear.
The #neoliberals are sitting on a pile of gold, fiddling while the world burns.
The #Communists (at least those who run countries) are just #authoritarians in Red, sitting next to the Neoliberals on the gold pile of oblivion.
The #environmentalists have the right idea but tend to under-value People in general and #democracy specifically.
#nazis #neoliberals #communists #authoritarians #environmentalists #democracy
Could it be that #OurABC has been infiltrated by #NeoLiberals like #ItaButtrose and her ilk, and they're afraid to report on the efficacy of #UnionPower?
#ourabc #neoliberals #itabuttrose #unionpower
As with most #neoliberals,
#Threads has plenty of "weird nerds", but you don't realise because they are invisible nerds.
Marketing, SEO, management, corporate law, telemetry, engagement, ...
(Not that I'm leaving here because of "weird nerds")
@ceruleanarc Yeah, that's a bit of a turn off. But who knows, maybe they aren't #neoliberals? I dunno ... I wouldn't bet on it though. 😹 🤷♂️
When the going gets tough, #neolibs / #neoliberals show their true colors. The #EU needs governments that are decidedly #progressive... And that deliver on their platforms.
#neolibs #neoliberals #eu #progressive #europeanunion #france #riots #socialmedia #censorship
The difference between a conservative and a neoliberal is that the conservative screws you over with a “fuck you” while the neoliberal does so with a “please and thank you.”
Because the other #Shill for #Neoliberalism, #BernJob, needs an understudy.
#mariannewilliamson2024 #shill #neoliberalism #bernjob #neoliberals #thesquad
Marianne EXPOSES How #Neoliberals FAILED #Americans
Ryan and Emily are joined by #MarianneWilliamson to discuss her blowing up on #TikTok and her strategy for the #2024election.
#neoliberals #americans #mariannewilliamson #tiktok #2024election
I'm simultaneously amazed and yet cynically unphased that Donald Trump can attempt a literal violent coup at the US Capitol and yet do far the only thing he's facing a semblance of a consequence for is related to a porn star.
This just much about the US, mostly that we'll put with the most awful and undemocratic horrors, especially when they're perpetrated by rich, white men, but we'll draw the line at anything related to #sex and #SexWork.
And to all the liberals out there making derogatory remarks about sex workers and celebrating the carcerial state, I see you, and I am not impressed. I also remain skeptical that anything even remotely like justice will come of all this.
Perhaps we'll get some decent memes out of it, but that's about all I'm expecting.
#sex #sexwork #trumpindictment #justice #neoliberals
#Germany #Politics #NeoLiberals
Ich verstehe nicht, wie die FDP es schafft, die Koalition derart vor sich herzutreiben. Womit drohen die?
Geht die FDP davon aus, daß sie nach Ende der Ampel in jeder möglichen Koalition wieder mitregieren würde? Oder haben die nochwas anderes in der Hand?
Hätte gerne eine Erklärung. Bin ehrlich neugierig.
#neoliberals #politics #Germany
Greed and shamelessness have faces: see e.g. Economy and Health wreckers #Kwarteng and #Hancock. The self-service mentality is particularly prevalent with #Conservatives and #Neoliberals who love to profiteer from health crises and wars.
#Kwarteng #hancock #conservatives #neoliberals
#Neoliberals play alongside #Nazis all over Europe, as in the 1930s.
This will end extremely badly
#Neoliberals claim free #markets work while silently using authoritarian planning behind closed company doors.
Authoritarian #communists claim centralized #planning works while ignoring research showing that decentralized systems have advantages.
#Anarchists claim #decentralized anti-authoritarian planning is possible and preferable.
#neoliberals #markets #communists #planning #anarchists #decentralized #calculationdebate
"Neoliberals say that they are promoting a system that safeguards individual liberty. But in reality, it’s a system that promotes the primacy of profit-making against the #collective, or #public, good. That’s why #neoliberals call any public spending “collectivist” in a pejorative way."
#collective #public #neoliberals
I love how these oh so high and mighty scumbag neoliberals turn any legitimate concerns about the future of democracy, agency, and autonomy into an assessment of my masculinity. You see, they can't actually ARGUE against any of your points. So they go down this road, much like their onanistic OANN-watching counterparts on the right. But, hey, I knew I'd eventually get into trouble with these sheltered sanctimonious morons on here at some point! 🤣
If you are a weak-kneed Establishment Democrat who is foolish enough to believe that the hopelessly brainwashed MAGA extremists can be reasoned with (spoiler alert: they can't), this may not be the account for you.
Jesus Christ, Michelle Obama did so much damage with that "When they go low, we go high" claptrap. That's why we're getting massacred right now.
The #LNP have deliberately outsourced advice/ option analysis etc to the big consultancy practises - all part of the small government & corporate wins policy of #neoliberals. The PS are simply the cogs and wheels that make the end to end process “work”, irrespective of how bad it is or the outcome. Frank and fearless advice has been replaced with spineless yes & nos! #auspol
I spent a few years in IT Advisory at one of these firms and recall asking my boss why were we doing some work for a client as the answers / options were somewhat obvious. The reply - they get us to do what they can’t or don’t want to do. Telling