On Thursday next week I'll be on a panel discussing the management of outbreaks in the #nicu in a webminar by and for the #NeoIPC clinical practice network (CPN).
If you are a healthcare professional working in #neonatology, you may want to have a look at https://neoipc.org/nicu-outbreaks-webinar-registration/ and register for the CPN and the webminar.
CC: @ESPNIC_Society, @99nicu
#neonews #neonatology #NeoIPC #nicu
We are excited to announce that the 99NICU NEOvations webinar series will launch on Tuesday 10th January 2023, at 16:00-17:00 CET. Join us!
#NeoMeeting #NeoNews
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#NeoEBM - publications and EBM-content
#Nicuverse - about this space
#NeoCase - case discussions
#NeoTech - NICU medtech
#NeoPoll - for polls
#NeoNews - news in neonatology
#NeoPod - podcast-related topics
#NeoMeeting - conference discussions
#NeoLife - about everything else, on- and off-topic
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