Only just over a week left and #NeonShadows is less than halfway funded! @lostguidegames
In conjunction with their #NeonShadows Kickstarter, @lostguidegames is offering an ashcan of the game for you to preview in advance of hurling all of your precious coin at them!
Day 1 to catch up from yesterday, 8/1: First RPG played (this year)
Was either #PersonaeSRD #PersonaeRPG #ShadowlightRPG #ShadowlightAndPersonaeRPG or #NeonShadows .
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #ttrpgs #PersonaeSRD #PersonaeRPG #ShadowlightRPG #shadowlightandpersonaerpg #neonshadows
#TTRPG #SelfPromoWednesday #MixingMyHashtagDays #NotSorry
The VOD of @forgottentroupe
playing @lostguidegames #NeonShadows is available for viewing!
A Dance of Sun and Shadows | A Neon Shadows Playtest via YouTube
#ttrpg #selfpromowednesday #mixingmyhashtagdays #notsorry #neonshadows