my latest artwork: "you'll never take a vivid photo of your fishes" by this poor equipment at least 😬 #aquarium #fishtank #akvaryum #freshwater #swordfish #lobeliacardinalis #molly #gourami #neontetra #AlgaeEater
#algaeeater #neontetra #gourami #molly #lobeliacardinalis #swordfish #freshwater #akvaryum #fishtank #aquarium
#kashiwa #matsudo #Neontetra #かぶソフト #ボンベイ #戸上邸 #松戸 #松戸グルメ #松戸けいりん #柏 #柏グルメ #柏レイソル #柏市 #流山温泉ツアー #矢切の渡し #観光ガイド #道の駅しょうなん
#kashiwa #matsudo #neontetra #かぶソフト #ボンベイ #戸上邸 #松戸 #松戸グルメ #松戸けいりん #柏 #柏グルメ #柏レイソル #柏市 #流山温泉ツアー #矢切の渡し #観光ガイド #道の駅しょうなん
Our #NeonTetra fish check out their new neighbours. 🐟 #fish #FishTank #aquarium #HaveIMentionedIDidntWantFish
#neontetra #fish #fishtank #aquarium #haveimentionedididntwantfish
Good to see an old #NeonTetra (or two?) schooling with the new (top up) fish in the tank. 🐟 #HaveIMentionedIDidntWantFish
#neontetra #haveimentionedididntwantfish
This is a print of a neon tetra and the aquarium plants I keep them with. I went to the #Freer Gallery of Art and really enjoyed how they had rooms and rooms of ceramics explaining how techniques and styles moved through different regions. It put some ideas in my head.
#neontetra #fishart #linocut #printmaking #fish
#freer #neontetra #FishArt #linocut #printmaking #fish
#tetras #carved #linocut #printmaking #FishArt #fish #neontetra
Neon tetras hiding from a pike characin and tern.
#linocut #wildlifeart #printmaking #fish #neontetra #tern #pikecharacin
#linocut #wildlifeart #printmaking #fish #neontetra #tern #pikecharacin
I made a bookplate after seeing some other printmakers making them and looking at a bunch in a local print shop. What a fun idea! Includes neon tetras naturally.
#bookplate #linocut #printmaking #art #neontetra #fish
This year's Christmas prints, naturally a neon tetra was featured.
#fish #neontetra #linocut #printmaking
The stages of making a neon tetra (love them) bucket hat
#neontetra #printmaking #linocut #animalart #sewing #buckethat
#neontetra #printmaking #linocut #animalart #sewing #buckethat