同じ光に見えて実は SK6812, SK6812 mini-e, SK6812 side-g SK6805 side-s, SK6805 EC3210, SK6805 EC15と結構な種類のSK68シリーズが混ざっているのだ。そんで全部一本の信号線。便利だね!
The lights look the same, but there are SK6812, SK6812 mini-e, SK6812 side-g SK6805 side-s, SK6805 EC3210, SK6805 EC15, many kinds of SK68 series are mixed. All are driven by a single line. Useful.
#ESP32 #Arduino #軸の秤 #電子工作 #DIY #electronics #電子工作初心者 #pcb #circuitboard #基板 #電子工作初心者 #NeoPixel #SK6812 #SK6805
#sk6805 #sk6812 #neopixel #基板 #circuitboard #pcb #電子工作初心者 #electronics #diy #電子工作 #軸の秤 #arduino #esp32
自作した #WS2812B もとい #SK6812 の基板、とりま点灯はしたので一安心。これまで1515サイズの #SK6805 しか使ったことなかったので光がデカくてわろてる。
I made a custom board for #WS2812B ( #SK6812 ). It's a relief that they light up at least. I’ve only ever used the 1515 size #SK6805 before, I’m amused at how big the light is.
#電子工作 #DIY #electronics #pcb #circuitboard #基板 #電子工作初心者 #NeoPixel
#neopixel #電子工作初心者 #基板 #circuitboard #pcb #electronics #diy #電子工作 #sk6805 #sk6812 #ws2812b
A Nifty Tool For Counting Neopixels - Picture it. You’ve got a big roll of NeoPixels, but you have no idea how many are ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/16/a-nifty-tool-for-counting-neopixels/ #neopixels #ledhacks #neopixel #ws2812b
#ws2812b #neopixel #ledhacks #neopixels
I got the timings right and now threre is almost no errors :)
#xiao #microcontrollers #micropython #neopixel
Its working! Now I can finih my paint program for #NeoPixel display. I want to transfer images by light! (blinking).
#neopixel #micropython #microcontrollers
smolPaint first stable, feature ready release! 🎉
* primary and secondary colors
* brightness for output
* easy copy to clipboard the pixel stream
* clear pixels to white or black
* micro-controller part have single sprite and animation modes
#micropython #python #neopixel #xiao
Updated a little bit official smolOS homepage and manual.
#smolos #micropython #os #tools #neopixel
Frames for my Rubber Duck Buddy that runs on a #NeoPixel 5x5 BFF.
#neopixel #smolos #micropython
Designed basic font for the 5x5 display.
#smolos #micropython #microcontrollers #neopixel
Making a smart clock with a 24-pixel #neopixel ring. Was originally trying to make it with an ESP8266, but now that I have some ESP32s on me I can finally use multi-threading with it's two cores...much easier than having to coordinate the current position of the clock as well as NTP time, handling requests from my #homeassistant pi, etc...
Now I can have one thread solely dedicated to managing time and changing pixels, and one for messing around with #MQTT over LAN so I can make it...idk do something other than tell the time, all though homeassistant.
#neopixel #homeassistant #mqtt #esp32
Electronic Connect 4 Console Doesn’t Use LCD - You might think that making your own electronic games would require some kind of L... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/28/electronic-connect-4-console-doesnt-use-lcd/ #arduinohacks #neopixel #arduino #ws2812 #games
#games #ws2812 #arduino #neopixel #arduinohacks
And my wifi enabled #neopixel drum is complete 😀
The ESP8266 Wemos D1's are great little boards and only cost around four quid on ebay.
I'm impressed with WLED.
You just download the software to the board, connect it to WiFi and then download the App to your phone and you can make the lights do anything you want.
It doesn't even want your email! Unlike Blynk who spammed me constantly 🙄
My camera swamps out the colour. You'll just have to believe me when I say it looks really good 👍
Amidst the divine confluence of ethereal code and the tangible world, I have conjured a spectacle of unparalleled grandeur - a tie bedecked with sewable LEDs, seamlessly integrating the worlds of fashion and electronics. At Prom, its Bluetooth control infused a level of elegance beyond compare. Behold the sublime chronicles of its creation, artfully presented with vivid imagery and video, on my website: https://karmanyaah.malhotra.cc/projects/2023/04/amplitie/
The pièce de résistance, however, was its Bluetooth connectivity, which enabled me to elegantly configure the hues and designs from a mobile application, adding an unparalleled level of sophistication to this already grandiose creation. I humbly invite you to bear witness to the mesmerizing chronicles of the creation process, chronicled in vivid detail through a plethora of images and videos, accessible on my website, https://karmanyaah.malhotra.cc/projects/2023/04/amplitie/
Bass Reactive LEDs For Your Car https://hackaday.com/2023/04/25/bass-reactive-leds-for-your-car/ #electretmicrophone #rotaryencoder #spectrogram #carhacks #neopixel #ESP32 #fft
#electretmicrophone #rotaryencoder #spectrogram #carhacks #neopixel #ESP32 #fft