Which Open Source CMS should I try out when I care about modularity, security, privacy and accessibility for creating small/medium sized websites as a PHP/JS developer?
My favourites after many hours of research are #Drupal and #NeosCMS right now.
I'm very experienced with #CockpitCMS, but it doesn't fit my needs anymore. I have a deep understanding of #WordPress and can work with existing projects, but I don't want to use it for new projects.
Boosts and suggestions are are very welcome.
#drupal #neoscms #cockpitcms #wordpress
We had a look at the new Next.js 13 features and how to integrate them with Zebra, our package to provide the full editing experience of #NeosCMS in #NextJS projects.
This article gives a preview of the new exciting possibilities with #React Server Components and the app router: https://networkteam.com/journal/2023/zebra-nextjs-app-router-and-server-components
Spent more time than expected to optimize COUNT queries in #PostgreSQL in the last two weeks.
This was very surprising to me as I mostly work with #MySQL and #MariaDB.
But I achieved a speed-up of 150-550% in parts of my customers #NeosCMS application with small adjustments and not using the ORM.
Happy but somehow also disappointed that this is necessary.
Here is one blog post I found that explains some of the reasons and solutions:
#PostgreSQL #mysql #mariadb #neoscms
Seems my enthusiastic explanation of the Passage of Time event wasn't that exciting as expected...
#NeosCMS #NeosCanAlsoRunStarships
#neoscms #NeosCanAlsoRunStarships
It has been a while since the last release, but as it is part of #neoscms since some releases, the package did not need that much work in the past. Thanks to @crydotsnake
for reporting issues.
Removed the Twitter integration for the next major #NeosCMS :neos: release https://github.com/neos/neos-seo/pull/177
Feels we should never again add any company specific integration to a package that is basically included with every Neos project.
Feels good and sad at the same time. Times have changed.
Haven't published anything on my blog in a while (even though I wrote quite a few drafts...), so here is a super short post on how to disallow the GPTBot from parsing your #NeosCMS website https://mind-the-seb.de/blog/how-to-disallow-the-gptbot-from-crawling-your-neoscms-site (en/de).
Even if you don't want to implement this, see this also as an example of how flexible and extensible our Fusion DSL is 🙂
Customer asking me whether they should stop editing their #NeosCMS for a while, takes longer than our #CI setup automatically deploying the latest fixes they need 😉
Time from bug report to the fix arriving in their editor instance ~20m. 4 People were able to continue their work without a noticeable downtime or lost sessions.
The result of working on the project for 8 years together, having experts on both sides and full trust in each others capabilities ❤️
No docker or other magic involved.
Good old times :)
#NeosCMS sprint in Lucerne with Dmitri, @sebobo @lorenzulrich und den beiden Peters 😂
Im always a bit unsure if I broke or accidentally changed something else when suddenly a database query is >90% faster after adding an index.
Probably a nice performance patch coming up for the media management in #NeosCMS soon 😉
I really love the photo widget in combination with the memory feature. This always brings back nice memories… in this case the stunning #neoscms sprint in Lucerne where I became a Neos core developer 🥳🙏
Neue Woche, neuer Versuch mal ohne Krankheit durch die Woche zu kommen.
Letzte Woche hatte es zum Glück nur mich getroffen, aber jetzt staut sich natürlich wieder die Arbeit und meine #NeosCMS contributions beschränken sich gerade nur auf Fehlerbehebungen in der neuen Mediathek und die 134 notifications aus den anderen Repositories ignoriere ich bislang 🤪
Mal gespannt ob ich es noch schaffe das neue Workspace Modul in den nächsten 3 Wochen zu integrieren. Aber Gesundheit geht vor.
@markus306 but the others are quite good at filling up my Github inbox right now instead. Can’t check them as quickly as they merge #NeosCMS PRs! 🤪
Just took me 4 months to get this done 😥
But I fixed & refactored a bunch of other stuff on the way and the unit and e2e test setup finally works properly. So a nice new (maybe beta) release of the new Media UI will be available soon!
Just published a new post about a fully-editable #NeosCMS and #NextJS headless solution with our Zebra package: https://networkteam.com/journal/2023/zebra-neos-and-next
It's based on my talk from #NeosCon 2023, so it goes a bit more into the details on how we arrived at that solution.
Beside now allowing `defaultValue` in the #NeosCMS creation dialog nodetype properties (thx @mh ), I now also added a validation that in general the value of `defaultValue` should match the defined `type` of the property 🙂
You will automatically receive those improvements if you use the Neos plugin for #PHPStorm or similar.
Remember you can also improve the schema yourself by contributing to https://github.com/Sebobo/Shel.Neos.Schema https://github.com/Sebobo/Shel.Neos.Schema
Almost every day I use the #NeosCMS package search, as people in the community or customers ask me for functionality, or I need to look for something.
Some weeks ago I implemented a tiny JSON endpoint via https://www.neos.io/download-and-extend/packages.json to integrate the search with my CommandBar plugin.
As a happy #Raycast https://github.com/raycast user I of course wanted to have the search directly available via a shortcut.
So this morning I spend ~30 minutes to implement the first version of a Neos extension 🎉