Don’t miss our NEOvations webinar on Tuesday 18th!
With @stefanjohansson on preemie Apgar-scoring, and information about the development of the exciting open source cheap and accessible incubator the In3ator.
And for next week, don’t miss the webinar on the 26th with the brilliant Nadya Yousef on POCUS in the deteriorating infant.
Microstream capnography - do you have a guideline / SOP? Please share! #NeoTech
PDMS (Patient Data Management System) for NICU / PICU-patients - do you have experiences to share? Any recommendations?
Please share in our forums ->
The second of our NEOvations webinar series is on 14th February 2023, 16:00-17:00 CET, about innovative solutions for respiratory support management.
Visit the link below to get all info and to REGISTER :)
This medical AI platform came onto my radar on Tw.
I entered a super common problem "term infants with hypoglycemia" and got an error in return :)
Mixed feelings about this - while we certainly have used lots of decision-support tools forever (from stone plates, textbooks and onwards), AI can potentially add new #NeoTech tools. Like voice-guided advice during neonatal resuscitation. But the future is yet to come!
DIY Incubators for low-resource settings - are you aware of designs or projects etc? If yes, please share in our forums -> #NeoTech
The first #NEOvation webinar yesterday was great, about physiol-based cord clamping and augmented reality support during neonatal resusc. Stay tuned for the video recording! Next one is 14 Febr at 1600 CET
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#NeoEBM - publications and EBM-content
#Nicuverse - about this space
#NeoCase - case discussions
#NeoTech - NICU medtech
#NeoPoll - for polls
#NeoNews - news in neonatology
#NeoPod - podcast-related topics
#NeoMeeting - conference discussions
#NeoLife - about everything else, on- and off-topic
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