Dezene Huber 🌻 · @dezene
1272 followers · 1484 posts · Server

can be a factor in allowing of similar . Case-in-point, giant and neotropical otters in the .

In this new study, Norris and Michalski (2023) observed that tended to avoid human activity while otters did not.

OA 🔗

We our in many ways. While not always and inevitably detrimental, we need to be aware of our .

#human #activity #sympatry #species #Amazon #Giant #otters #neotropical #influence #ecosystems #impacts #conservation

Last updated 1 year ago

Dezene Huber 🌻 · @dezene
708 followers · 670 posts · Server

Interesting new paper on The that occurs with the extirpation of large , particularly .

I can see this interacting (negatively, ) with Pauly's Syndrome. And is it time to coin a similar conceptual model and terms for the disappearance of and other small ?

Title: Beyond the “empty forest”: The defaunation syndromes of forests in the

Open Access:

#empty #forest #syndrome #vertebrates #predators #synergistically #shifting #baseline #insects #fauna #neotropical #anthropocene

Last updated 2 years ago

Flo Grattarola · @flograttarola
37 followers · 3 posts · Server

Hola 👋🏼 I’m super happy to have joined Mastodon. As a newcomer, here’s a bit about me: I’m a biologist, doing research in and . Currently, I’m a researcher at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague where I study the range dynamics of . I’m also the coordinator of and the admin of . My interests are diverse but include , and . Cheers!

#uruguayan #macroecology #biodiversityinformatics #postdoc #neotropical #carnivores #biodiversidata #naturalistauy #OpenScience #CameraTraps #participativeresearch

Last updated 2 years ago