Passive Voyeur · @passive_voyeur
4 followers · 17 posts · Server

3/4 I occasionally fall into my old habit of Anxiety and Depression, nowhere nearly as much as I used to, plus just to top it all off I have a bit of Arthritis at the base of my spine which flares up now and again.
My morning routine always includes taking my various medications, seven tablets every morning covering my health issues and I have appointments with the Nephrologist and have blood tests every 6 months or so.

#anxiety #depression #arthritis #nephrologist

Last updated 1 year ago

Htaggert · @Htaggert
442 followers · 1720 posts · Server

Well- this is a special day for me in my job. I’m working on a complex case and some kind and brilliant physician has actually documented right there in the chart. to the who documented it and the that found it in the first place. Made my job quick work and the patient is getting obvious great care.

#nephrologist #cardiologist #grateful #glomerulonephritis #endocarditis #Surveillance #InfectionPrevention

Last updated 2 years ago

Htaggert · @Htaggert
486 followers · 1963 posts · Server

Well- this is a special day for me in my job. I’m working on a complex case and some kind and brilliant physician has actually documented right there in the chart. to the who documented it and the that found it in the first place. Made my job quick work and the patient is getting obvious great care.

#nephrologist #cardiologist #grateful #glomerulonephritis #endocarditis #Surveillance #InfectionPrevention

Last updated 2 years ago