I am not sure I understand why following in family footsteps in family business or career is good in some places but bad in others. Come on people - focus on the quality, not the genetics. If someone is good at their job - don’t be mad. If they suck and they only got the job because of their family - that’s crappy. But hard work is hard work, and having connections is valuable no matter if they’re related or not. #Nepotism #NepoBabies
When New York Magazine wrote about "nepo babies" last December, Ben Platt — star of stage and screen, and son of movie and theater producer Marc Platt — appeared front and center. @RollingStone asked him about that when they interviewed him recently — and he didn't appreciate the question. Here's what happened.
#Entertainment #Movies #MusicalTheater #BenPlatt #NepoBabies
#entertainment #movies #musicaltheater #benplatt #nepobabies
If you like early Slipknot, you should check out Vended.
Not because of the family connection (the sons of Corey Taylor and Clown) but because they sound like Slipknot before they lost whatever it was they lost after their first album. They are that good.
This message was repeated by the Very Serious People's Chorus, from us US Chamber of Commerce:
to Republican Senators:
to famous #nepobabies, who dismissed greedflation as the product of conspiratorialists and "trolls":
My little celebration video about Dorothy Dadridge's family... people often complain about #nepobabies but, sometimes you have to celebrate talented families!
The buzz around Sofia Coppola’s daughter Romy Mars proves it.
#Celebrity #nepobabies #SofiaCoppola #romymars #TikTok #celebrityculture
#celebrity #nepobabies #sofiacoppola #romymars #tiktok #celebrityculture
Congratulations to Jamie Lee Curtis for her well-deserved #SAGaward! She's a great example of how #nepobabies can excel in their fields and show the world what they can do. #Illuminati salutes her determination and her success! #StayStrong #DreamBig #AchieveMore https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/02/27/sag-awards-nepo-baby-jamie-lee-curtis-contd-orig-zt.cnn
#sagaward #nepobabies #illuminati #staystrong #dreambig #achievemore
On the same day that #SarahHuckabeeSanders delivered a tone-deaf #SOTU response on behalf of #BananaRepublicans , #RonnaRommeyMcDaniel tweets a self-own about ‘coastal elites’! 😂 👉 https://www.mediaite.com/news/gop-blasts-coastal-elites-by-using-photo-of-california-democratic-congressman-says-this-is-my-district/
#SaveAmerica from incompetent #NepoBabies and the #DarkMAGA cult!
#sarahhuckabeesanders #sotu #bananarepublicans #ronnarommeymcdaniel #saveamerica #nepobabies #DarkMAGA
Why, with this modest loan of ten million dollars cash and a billion dollars of apartheid diamonds, I built this empire of 500,000 dollars.
#allbillionairesareevil #therulingclass #nepobabies
Meanwhile, here's Martha Gill in the Guardian on #nepobabies & why their corrosive impact on ideas of fairness & merit-based appointments is actually more serious than you might think... its a good read, that I think offers a clear statement of the problem of #nepotism that is actually much wider than just in arts & entertainment... worth eight minutes of your time this Sunday morning!
🚨 PSA 🚨
@TedLasso@twitter.com and @succession@twitter.com are coming back this spring. This is not a drill. You have two(ish) months. Plan accordingly.
#tedlasso #succession #nepobabies
If you thought American nepotism was bad, try throwing in fifth-generation acting dynasties and £37,000-a-year boarding schools.
#Culture #nepobabies #Nepotism #class #privateschool #TV
#culture #nepobabies #nepotism #class #privateschool #tv
From Benedict Cumberbatch to “Bridgerton”, the posh and parentally blessed are everywhere in UK entertainment.
#Culture #Nepotism #nepobabies #class #Film #TV #actors #privateschool #boardingschool #longread
#culture #nepotism #nepobabies #class #film #tv #actors #privateschool #boardingSchool #longread
From Benedict Cumberbatch to “Bridgerton”, the posh and parentally blessed are everywhere in UK entertainment.
#Culture #Nepotism #nepobabies #class #Film #TV #actors #privateschool #boardingschool #longread
#culture #nepotism #nepobabies #class #film #tv #actors #privateschool #boardingSchool #longread
If you thought American nepotism was bad, try throwing in fifth-generation acting dynasties and £37,000-a-year boarding schools.
#Culture #nepobabies #Nepotism #class #privateschool #TV
#culture #nepobabies #nepotism #class #privateschool #tv
It’s the end of the season for #SaturdayNightFootball team of commentators and their #Nepobabies on #NBC!
#saturdaynightfootball #nepobabies #nbc
Au sujet des #nepobabies et des privilèges en général, lire et faire lire aux ados Les Facétieuse de Clementine Beauvais à
Oui, on peut dire : j'ai eu de la chance au départ, ça m'a ouvert des portes etc
#NepoBabies : aux Etats-Unis, les enfants de stars dans le viseur de la lutte des classes https://www.liberation.fr/idees-et-debats/nepo-babies-aux-etats-unis-les-enfants-de-stars-dans-le-viseur-de-la-lutte-des-classes-20230112_IZGETDPMQNFP5BT5PHB4ZA4SBY/