Definitivamente podemos mejorar muchísimo la calidad de la atención médica con estas estrategias. #NER#HER#QOFMEDICALCARE
NER-híradó: Mészárosék a gigantikus rombolóval befutottak a Balatonra Mészáros Lőrinc és a jacht befutott a magyar tengerre. A kitűnő vállalkozó kedves feleségével a szigligeti stadionnál kötött ki. Részletek a NER-híradóban. #NER-híradó
Kiegyenesítik a Badacsony hegyét, majd akkugyárat építenek rá – NER Híradó Újraindul a bazaltbányászat a Badacsony hegyén. Kínai segítség Orbánnak. Akkumulátorgyár a Balaton mellett. #NER-híradó
Not true. All the #benchmarks say otherwise. You have to look past the hyped #LLMs to the bread and butter BERT and BART models, but the trend is undeniable:
#classification #retrieval #summarization #QuestionAnswering #translation #generation #NER #VQA
You name an NLP problem and there's an LLM that is now better at it than the average human. Not so 2 yrs ago. Times they are a change'n.
#vqa #ner #generation #translation #questionanswering #summarization #retrieval #classification #llms #benchmarks
#China #OSINT #SocialMedia #AI #Collection #OpenSource #namedentityrecognition #NER #Privacy
An OS proposed project based in China for OSINT Collection via crawling of Sina Weibo that hits on Social Media-------- HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
#China #osint #socialmedia #ai #collection #opensource #namedentityrecognition #ner #privacy
Visual #ner by SAM (#segmentation by prompt), I call it
Dazu brauchen wir komplettere (Editions-)Daten, sowie eine #NER auf dem Bullinger-Korpus. Das Netzwerk befindet sich im Moment in einer sehr frühen Fassung, könnte aber, sobald ausgereifter, einen neuen Zugang zum Bullinger-Briefwechsel ermöglichen. #DigitalHumanities #Briefforschung #DigitalHistory #digitalhumanities
#ner #digitalhumanities #briefforschung #digitalhistory
✨ TEI Publisher 8.0.0 - Rewriting History ✨
New features are
• a central URL registry
• named entity recognition (#NER)
• #JATS support
• and more..
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✨ TEI Publisher 8.0.0 - Rewriting History ✨
New features are
• a central URL registry
• named entity recognition (#NER)
• #JATS support
• and more..
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Repost of an old blog that is about my experience of using NER on an old Chinese diary and the issue I encountered.
"NER and the Invisible in Plain Sight"
Deploying two novel bi-directional encoder-based systems, viz., BioBERT and RoBERTa to identify named entities in the biomedical text: “Named Entity Recognition System for the Biomedical Domain” by Raghav Sharma, Deependra Singh, Raksha Sharma. Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems(128th Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Management), appeared in: ACSIS, Vol. 30, pages 837–840 (2022).
#NER #biomedicine #BioBERT
Open Access:
Thanks to @cneud and our "Mensch.Maschine.Kultur" project, the first deep learning models from @stabi_berlin on @huggingface
now have model cards (according to
🤗 -->
see and
#NER #Binarization #GLAM
@danielvanstrien @meg
Neuer Blogbeitrag aus dem #FDMLab: #NER und #GND zur Verbesserung der Erschließung
#landesarchivbw #LinkedOpenData #Normdaten #Provenienzforschung
#FDMlab #ner #gnd #landesarchivbw #linkedopendata #normdaten #provenienzforschung
Heya ML side of Fediverse, I had a question -- If I wanted to create an NER model where most of my entities are 3+ word phrases (sometimes with hypens), what do you think would be a good approach to do this?
Context: The dataset is small around 300ish phrases; All the phrases are in English. Ideally would still love to use SpaCy because training NER models with it has been quite a good experience but open to other solutions too :))
#machinelearning #ai #nlp #ner #ml #nlproc
I hope with #ChatGPT these applications could be turned more into a blacklist approach. This would be backed by a #ChatGPT knowing the entirety of the world and limiting it to a specific aspect that one wants to handle. Other than that the current Intent / Entity #NER #NLU #NLP concepts could be kept. /3
I hope with #ChatGPT these applications could be turned more into a blacklist approach. This would be backed by a #ChatGPT knowing the entirety of the world and limiting it to a specific aspect that one wants to handle. Other than that the current Intent / Entity #NER #NLU #NLP concepts could be kept. /3
RT @MonclaLudovic
Interview pour l’atelier « Librairies Python pour la reconnaissance d’entités nommées #NER et la résolution de toponymes » dans le cadre de la formation #ANF #TDM2022 @INIST_CNRS Supports de l’atelier dispo ici :
Schon mal daran gedacht, mit #gpt direkt eigene Daten zu befragen? In #openrefine etwa? Ich habe es heute einmal probiert und die Ergebnisse sind sehr vielversprechend - zuverlässige #ner praktisch ohne Code z. B. Hier die Anleitung:
2022 has seen the emergence of new models for processing scanned documents using #OCR, #HTR and #NER. Find out how they are revolutionising the way information is extracted from document images