Elizabeth Kent · @lizkent
22 followers · 2 posts · Server fediscience.org

AirSeaFluxCode - a paper describing an software package for calculating from is just out in . We've included 10 different parameterisations and lots of different implementation options in case you want to put them through their paces.

Read the paper: frontiersin.org/articles/10.33

Use the code: git.noc.ac.uk/nocsurfaceproces

Funded by under the ORCHESTRA and @CLASS_UKRI projects

#airseainteraction #nercscience #frontiersinmarinescience #airseaobs #airseaflux #python #openaccess

Last updated 2 years ago

Rebecca Williams · @Volcanologist
292 followers · 34 posts · Server mastodon.online

This week we are reporting the findings of the Equator project starting with the NERC science knowledge exchange webinar. To coincide, we have released resources and materials communicating project reflections and recommendations. If you care about equity in postgraduate research, read on...

Reproduced with permission from a Twitter thread by Equator PI Dr Natasha Dowey

#earthscience #EnvironmentalScience #geography #geology #geoscience #nercscience #equality #diversity #inclusion #equity #edi

Last updated 2 years ago