New #JohnGreen #Vlogbrothers video: Three Mornings
#dftba #nerdfighters #coffeeart
#johngreen #vlogbrothers #dftba #nerdfighters #coffeeart
So Hank has discovered Target’s awesome wooden crabs and wants to buy hundreds of them. … Am I crazy for thinking this could be a community art project where we all send him a crab? #nerdfighters #dftba
Here's Sunnie's my #dogs (reused, paper) mohawk, she's not sure what all this is about, but she's happy to be included... #CancerPeeFriday #dftba #nerdfighters #pets #charity #dogsOfMastodon #DoggoClock
Please share and #donate to #PIH @tiltify
#dogs #cancerpeefriday #dftba #nerdfighters #pets #charity #dogsofmastodon #DoggoClock #donate #pih
Here's my (paper)mohawk, and No Edge @hankgreen's too!! Join us in raising money for #PIH this #CancerPeeFriday Donate or make your mohawk and share to join #nerdfighters! #DFTBA Go check out hannamayp4a's fundraiser for Partners In Health on @Tiltify |
#pih #cancerpeefriday #nerdfighters #dftba
I donated, can you? Join in raising money for #PIH this #CancerPeeFriday Donate or make your mohawk and share to join #nerdfighters! #DFTBA! #donate #charity
Go check out hannamayp4a's fundraiser for Partners In Health on @Tiltify | (copy link, I can't get it to do the thing...)
#pih #cancerpeefriday #nerdfighters #dftba #donate #charity
I donated, can you? Join in raising money for #PIH this #CancerPeeFriday Donate or make your mohawk and share to join #nerdfighters! #DFTBA! #donate #charity
Go check out hannamayp4a's fundraiser for Partners In Health on @Tiltify |
#pih #cancerpeefriday #nerdfighters #dftba #donate #charity
I donated, can you? Join in raising money for #PIH this #CancerPeeFriday Donate or make your mohawk and share to join #nerdfighters! #DFTBA! #donate #charity
Go check out hannamayp4a's fundraiser for Partners In Health on @Tiltify |
#pih #cancerpeefriday #nerdfighters #dftba #donate #charity
I just wanted to let you all know... I'm really proud of this little corner of #Nerdfighteria. Y'all (we) are so welcoming and accepting. I saw a post from one of the new Reddit sign ups today (Idk who tho, lol) saying they had come over here and they loved our lil group here and felt really welcomed and it helped them remember that #Nerdfighters anywhere tend to be awesome and so... I just wanted to say thanks for being being so awesome y'all 💖 #dftba
#nerdfighteria #nerdfighters #dftba
New @hankgreen #Vlogbrothers Video on #YouTube
#vlogbrothers #youtube #nerdfighters #dftba
Okay Juhn video today where he says he'll see Hank "today, actually"... Is Hank making a video today, too?? 👀
#Vlogbrothers #Nerdfighters
@johngreen I went to Iceland, overcame manifold challenges, got a little too tipsy, and had a hot dog. Among if not the best of my life.
We're here because we're here, because we're here, because we're here.
Sad thought: Will there be a Pizzamas this year? It would be a nice post-chemo celebration, but I don’t know what the lead time is on the merch. #nerdfighters
Hearing the last DH&J and, all all the moments to start crying, the got me when they tell us that we're also doing a good job. It's insane to realize how much you've been craving validation while being sad for someone else's situation.
Anyway, Im glad to hear I am doing a good job, and that Hank is also doing a good job. I'm sure you're doing a good job too!
@hankgreen at the phallus museum in Reykjavik, they have a whiteboard. My contribution: hanklerfish with phallus. #nerdfighters
Reading about Hank having chemo is so weird. And shitty. Like, I know we don’t ACTUALLY know him, but it feels like we do, and so it’s like hearing all of this from a friend, a very upbeat and vivacious friend. Reality is… I don’t know. #nerdfighters
*whispers* #Nerdfighters should go on Goodreads if they have an account and like the quotes from #AART and #ABFE bc Hank talked about how the likes were low on #DHAJ and it made him sad... 💖
#nerdfighters #aart #abfe #dhaj #dftba
I'm waiving my Twitter non-use just for Hank.
As soon as he's better twitter can fuck right off again.
Eg er stolt av John Green og arbeidet #vlogbrothers og #PIH og #nerdfighters har gjort for å hjelpe kvinneklinikken i Sierra Leone, og glad for å bidra med pengar og merksemd til det:
#vlogbrothers #pih #nerdfighters