What is the best #NerdFont for @AstroNvim? I did my first install years ago and had to do a new clean install now.
I remember that I struggled the first time to get all of the fonts working, and now it's broken again.
If you are on a Mac don’t forget that you can use glyphs in the SF Symbols font as a “NerdFont”. even works in the command line
Why does #inconsolata #fonts look so good on my eyes. I've run for quite some time with #iosevka and decided to check some other fonts like Fantasque, Mononoki, CaskaydiaCove, MesloGS and Firecode. But most of them can't compete with the above two in my eyes. #linux #rice #terminal #nerdfont
#Inconsolata #fonts #iosevka #linux #rice #terminal #nerdfont
Why does #inconsolata #fonts look so good on my eyes. I've run for quite some time with #iosevka and decided to check some other fonts like Fantasque, Mononoki, CaskaydiaCove, MesloGS and Firecode. But most of them don't compared to the above two in my eyes. #linux #rice #terminal #nerdfont
#Inconsolata #fonts #iosevka #linux #rice #terminal #nerdfont
I’m pretty happy with #winget, but I still needed #Chocolatey for the Okta CLI install, that may be true for others.
Nice to have: #PS7, #OhMyPosh, a #nerdfont, #dotpeek or #ilspy
If you’re using visual studio, don’t forget installing the env packs takes 20-90mins, depending on what you need
#winget #chocolatey #nvm #vscode #linqpad #ps7 #OhMyPosh #nerdfont #dotpeek #ilspy
Took the time to upgrade my #neovim config. Completely scratched the old one.
There were two major things I learnt:
The main upgrade consisted of using a pre-built config written completely in #lua.