#Raspberry #pigpio library
Looking for code for
2-key rollover for n keys (n buttons connected to separate GPIO pins)
Looking for #Python code to detect two-button-presses on (let's say) 4 buttons, in general detect "2-key rollover" on n GPIO pins.
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_rollover : "Key rollover is the ability of a computer [keyboard] to correctly handle several simultaneous keystrokes.")
For 2 buttons, this is easy.
#nerdquestion #raspberry #pigpio #python #2keyrollover #nkeyrollover #gpio
How can I (can I?) list all Postfix aliases, forwards etc. on my server, preferably somehow sorted.
I haven't found any useful information even after a long search.
#Raspberry (here: ZeroWH)
#LEDBlink 1 seconds
My Internetradio program (Raspberry Zero WH) crashes on a few devices after a while and the LED blinks ~1 blink per seconds.
On the Internet I could not find a clear indication what this might indicate.
Does anyone know what the reason could be in this case?
Current PI OS LITE (32 bit).
Bluetooth is disabled, bluez software stack removed, tempfs is on RAM, swapsite 0 Byte. Very fast and good SD card.
#nerdquestion #raspberry #ledblink
Is there anyone out here who has a working framework for
for "directly" controlling single printing dots?
#Archiving #Digital #Data #Paper
#nerdquestion #laserprinters #Brother #linux #archiving #digital #data #paper
I am looking for a working software using
- Python Image Library "PIL"
for showing a simple analog clock "with handles" on a small ~240x240 pixel display.
Has anyone something ready? Internet has a s few solutions (e. g. using Turtle) but not using PIL.
Do you know the name of the font that is used for road signs in your country?
In Germany it’s the font DIN 1451. I’d like to know as many countries as possible.
@andy_morehouse beautiful image! do you know why it’s called Seagull Island and not by it’s Gaelic name or a translation of it? It’s so far removed from the Gaelic meaning! #nerdquestion