Katt · @cataclystp
17 followers · 57 posts · Server sunny.garden

i got tired of using , so i put to gether my own audio "system" using VB-Audio's Virtual Cables, and VCV Rack

i really wanted to have a way to attenuate audio under discord chats, so i could hear people in vc more clearly, so that's what i did!~

im using an envelope follower, which is then fed into a compressor, and then a slew limiter, to create a smooth attenuation curve (with fast rise but slow fall times), and am then using a voltage scaler to A: make the voltage negative, and B: to scale it nicely to only reduce volume by x amount :3

so far ive got it set so my music (e.g spotify) gets attenuated to -12dB, but my system audio only goes down to -6dB

#voicemeeter #vcvrack #audio #overengineering #nerdthingsnoonewillcareabout

Last updated 1 year ago