Just released: Ideavim - NERDTree Cheat Sheet by llanillo
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/llanillo/cheat-sheets/ideavim-nerdtree/?utm_source=mastodon
@cheatsheets #CheatSheet #CheatSheets #jetbrains #nerdtree #ideavim
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #jetbrains #nerdtree #ideavim
Just released: Ideavim - NERDTree Cheat Sheet by llanillo
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/llanillo/cheat-sheets/ideavim-nerdtree/?utm_source=mastodon
@cheatsheets #CheatSheet #CheatSheets #jetbrains #nerdtree #ideavim
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #jetbrains #nerdtree #ideavim
@tweezerAT @mthie ha, da hab ich doch heute glatt erfahren, dass VIM schon von Haus aus einen File-Explorer mitbringt: netrw - finde ich gar nicht schlecht, vielleicht deinstallier ich #Nerdtree wieder. VIM überrascht einen immer wieder.
NERDTree is a #vim plugin that creates a project browsing tree that is easy to use. For beginners it is the most similar to modern IDE file explorers (vim power users use netrw).
Movement is the same as a regular vim buffer. Files, sym-links, executable files, and directories are highlighted differently and can be bookmarked for quick access.
Checkout ":help NERDTree" for more info or press "?" inside a NERDTree buffer for help.
Day 6 - #100DaysToOffload
#vim #100DaysToOffload #nerdtree
I don't like the look of #nerdtree for several reasons.
1. #Vim has a built-in file browser called netrw.
2. Text-UI file browsers are inherantly slow, because you have to tap tap tap tap through the list of items. I find #fzf is >10x faster .
3. A lot of nerdtree users seem to have it set up in a side-panel. That seems like a horrible waste of screen-space