I was checking on my Comcast/Xfinity bill. When I logged in, I got a message that my home has an outage. I had no idea because our internet is working thanks to dual WAN! #homenetwork #nerdvana #opnsense
#opnsense #nerdvana #homenetwork
You can't call yourself a real 3D printer until you have used your 3D printer to print your next 3D printer. #recursion #prusa #3dprinting #nerdvana
#nerdvana #3dprinting #prusa #recursion
#nerdvana ist eine sehr lesenswerte Lektüre geschrieben von @Datassette_User
#gameconsole #retrogames #retrogaming #vintagecomputer #vintagecomputing #commodore64 #commodoregames #handheld #videogames #collectable #retrocomputer #oldtech #palmtop #classiccomputer #retrotech #retrotechnology #indiedev
#nerdvana #gameconsole #retrogames #retrogaming #vintagecomputer #vintagecomputing #commodore64 #commodoregames #handheld #videogames #collectable #retrocomputer #oldtech #palmtop #classiccomputer #retrotech #retrotechnology #indiedev
Ein verlängertes Wochenende mit Freunden steht an. Ich habe das Gefühl, ich ziehe um 🤪
A long weekend with friends lies before me, I feel like I'm moving 🤪
#nerdvana #weekend #3yearsgoneby
Wow, this looks super useful!!! experiment tracking in #Python just using #git and a simple library! Enter DVC https://iterative.ai/blog/exp-tracking-dvc-python #MachineLearning #ai #nerdvana
#nerdvana #ai #machinelearning #git #python
Over the holiday weekend, I finally replaced the 12TB disks on our home server with an 8TB dual NVMe SSD. Blazingly fast! The Glockner family is now 100% SSD. #nerdvana
Wenn sich Leute über @spoileralert - Entzug beklagen, empfehle ich ja gerne #Nerdvana. Die aktuelle Folge erst recht, da war ich nämlich zu Gast:
Nerdvana Podcast: Nerdvana v1.97 – Und täglich grüßt der Hitler-Klon http://www.nerdvana-podcast.de/nerdvana-v1-97-und-taglich-grust-der-hitler-klon/