Hey good morning Fediverse. Here’s a morning #mugShot of the side of my #battlestations as I multitask my way through a shut-up-and-listen team talk with some #nerdyGurdy fiddlywork. #food
#mugshot #battlestations #nerdygurdy #food
I finished making my partners hurdy gurdy! I'm not very good at it (and it's not mine to learn - I'm much more comfortable with bagpipes!) But I thought I'd do a little sound example. I'm surprised by how much presence it has with all the strings engaged it sounds fantastic! As always my phone hates recording drone instruments, thats the stuttering sound you're hearing. Wish I had the technology to share decent recordings but it is what it is! #nerdygurdy #theStudio
Currently building a #nerdygurdy for my partner and I just got to the stage where it's starting to look like how it will when it's finished. Still lots of fiddly work to do, namely making and then sanding 23 individual keys so they slide smoothly in their slots!
I got a hurdy gurdy!!! It's been so many years since I wanted one of these, but they are extremely expensive 🥲 Finally, I managed to get this Nerdy Gurdy, which everyone said it was really good quality, while being relatively affordable.
I haven't tried more expensive hurdy gurdies but I'm impressed! This one sounds really good and stable. I'm so happy 😬😬😬
#hurdygurdy #nerdygurdy #hurdygurdyplayer #medieval #medievalinstrument #medievalmusic #celticfolk
#hurdygurdy #nerdygurdy #hurdygurdyplayer #medieval #medievalinstrument #medievalmusic #celticfolk
After a month of procrastinating I finally was motivated enough to sew a 3-point-belt for my #NerdyGurdy
The rainbow belt is courtesy of @Zedernduft and was shortened and an extra clip from another belt was added...
It's so nice to be on vacation. I got to work on the drawings for my #hurdyGurdy to laser cut out my #nerdyGurdy. Took care of some simple chores to get caught up.
Even am getting time to look into making my own #vtuber model.
#hurdygurdy #nerdygurdy #vtuber
@crossgolf_rebel @Glambfmbasdler Ich hab mir im Sommer ein #NerdyGurdy zusammengebaut. Das war sehr spannend...