I do have to question scheduling the Hunting Quests right after #NeroFest. Even though I know I should be farming these heavily… meh. I need a bit of a breather after hammering the lottery event. #FGO #FateGO #FGOGlobal
#fgoglobal #fatego #fgo #nerofest
I’ll see if I can work out the other Hassan exhibition quest next. #FGO #NeroFest #FateGO #FGOGlobal
#fgoglobal #fatego #nerofest #fgo
FINALLY worked out how to beat the 3rd #NeroFest exhibition quest. The trick is to RELY on Medea’s wet noodle damage and not buff her too much. That way she **won’t** kill the Hassans with the instant death proc but **will** remove the buff that causes it. Then clear the wave with Nitocris. #FGO #FateGO #FGOGlobal
#fgoglobal #fatego #fgo #nerofest
With the event shop cleared (both accounts) , I’ve dropped back from the 90+ node to the 90. The petals drop rate is the same, and the node is much easier to fluidly arts loop. #FGO #FateGO #FGOGlobal #NeroFest
#nerofest #fgoglobal #fatego #fgo
I mean, OK, part of my time is being spent on the other account #marika & there are limits to how much time I’m willing to spend farming #nerofest. Plus work and anime and #TTRPG, etc.
But even so: lottery events are intended to convert apples to resources. Finishing with more gold apples seems wrong. #FGO #FateGO #FGOGlobal #arcadia
#arcadia #fgoglobal #fatego #fgo #ttrpg #nerofest #marika
My main account #arcadia is on track to finish #NeroFest with:
a) 150 boxes cleared, and
b) More Gold Apples than it started with, and
c) Probably at least 100 Silver apples left.
This just seems wrong somehow. #FGO #fateGO #FGOGlobal
#fgoglobal #fatego #fgo #nerofest #arcadia
Ah, the weekly missions in the second week of a #FGO event are always “do what you were going to do anyway by playing the event (#Nerofest) and we’ll give you 3SQ.”
I am, unsurprisingly, OK with this. #FateGO #FGOGlobal
#fgoglobal #fatego #nerofest #fgo
Always good to see a master level. This is for #marika, alas no party cost increase to 113 yet. #FGO #FateGO #FGOGlobal #NeroFest
#nerofest #fgoglobal #fatego #fgo #marika
The Hassan Parade is a pain though, haven’t managed to clear that one yet. #FGO #FateGO #FGOGlobal #NeroFest
#nerofest #fgoglobal #fatego #fgo
I remember the NeroFest finale quests (the six servants with stacking on death abilities) being really hard.
But now I have the Invincible Comp and it’s basically routine so long as I can maintain the cadence. #FGO #FateGO #FGOGlobal #NeroFest
#nerofest #fgoglobal #fatego #fgo
TFW when it’s going to take you DAYS to burn through the Silver Apples. I’m not even sure I’m going to get to the gold apples on the main account. #FGO #FateGO #FGOGlobal #NeroFest
#nerofest #fgoglobal #fatego #fgo
Me: where are these bloody bronze apples coming from, I thought I sprayed for those last week.
Also Me: Oh yeah, there’s three of the things in each lotto box.
#nerofest #fgoglobal #fatego #fgo
If I’m going to have to manually charge anyway then it makes no difference if there’s one enemy or three. #FGO #FateGO #FGOGlobal #NeroFest
Oh and Spishtar is a monster in the Koyanskaya system.
#nerofest #fgoglobal #fatego #fgo
We’ve had 90+ nodes for a couple of events now, and they’ve always required some effort to plan out a team, especially when Arts/Quick looping is so dependent on having a full wave of 3 enemies to hit refund targets. #FGO #FateGO #FGOGlobal
Thus far in #NeroFest I’m just doing routinely with double-Koyan/Oberon teams.
Buster doesn’t refund anyway so I’m forcing the charge regardless of how many enemies there are.
#nerofest #fgoglobal #fatego #fgo
Lasengle still stalling on #NeroFest… #FGO #FateGO #FGOGlobal
#fgoglobal #fatego #fgo #nerofest
I’ve had a fairly quiet week on #FGOGlobal bond-farming and waiting for #NeroFest. It’s been kind of nice after the wild ride that was #LB6 & the 6th Anni.
But there’s still no sign of the lottery and Lasengle have just dropped some extra banners that #FGOJP **didn’t** get. So…. SURPRISE!
Two of them I can ignore but the third is Merlin. Who is a priority target for #marika so this is just RUDE. #FGO #FateGO
#fatego #fgo #marika #fgojp #lb6 #nerofest #fgoglobal