homeopathicmedicine.one/parkin Neurological Disorders like Parkinson's Disease, Epilepsy, Alzheimer's, Huntington's, Dementia and Nerve Degeneration are the worst kind of condition to have. Learning how to treat Parkinson's naturally can give you back the quality of your life as well as calm nerves and a clear and lucid mind. You can help prevent brain and nervous system disorders by treating them preventatively and naturally. 's

#parkinson #Parkinsons #nerves #brain

Last updated 1 year ago

Giuseppe Michieli · @GMIK69
104 followers · 2150 posts · Server mstdn.science

''Cranial , especially the nerve, are important routes of for HPAI H5Nx viruses.
HPAI H5Nx viruses have a broad neurotropic potential and can efficiently infect and replicate in various cell types.
Vaccination and/or antiviral therapy might in part prevent neuroinvasion and neurological disease following HPAI H5Nx virus infection, although comprehensive studies in this area are lacking.''

#nerves #olfactory #neuroinvasion #cns

Last updated 1 year ago

holistichealth.one/treatment-f The best natural neuropathy treatments for neuropathy in legs and feet. Stop and Reverse Your Painful Neuropathy in Hands, Feet or Legs safely and quickly. Peripheral Neuropathy (nerve pain) is affecting millions of people now, but you can actually stop your nerve pain from ruining your day. Holistic Medicine and Herbal Remedies are Best Natural Remedy for Neuropathy Pain Relief because they work!

#neuropathy #feet #Homeopathy #painrelief #nerves

Last updated 1 year ago

homeopathicmedicine.one/parkin Neurological Disorders like Parkinson's Disease, Epilepsy, Alzheimer's, Huntington's, Dementia and Nerve Degeneration are the worst kind of condition to have. Learning how to treat Parkinson's naturally can give you back the quality of your life as well as calm nerves and a clear and lucid mind. You can help prevent brain and nervous system disorders by treating them preventatively and naturally. 's

#parkinson #Parkinsons #nerves #brain

Last updated 1 year ago

holistichealth.one/treatment-f Best Natural Treatment for Alzheimer's, Dementia and Memory Loss. No need to fear memory loss, there is something you can do to help yourself as well as your friends and family that are facing cognitive decline. Boosting natural neurotransmitters, particularly R Lipoic-Acid, phosphatidylserine, Huperzine-A and eating the right types of foods can restore healthy memory and clear focus and prevent brain and nerve degeneration. 's

#alzheimers #Alzheimer #dementia #brain #nerves

Last updated 1 year ago

Lars Wikman · @lawik
511 followers · 835 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@equeroot Elixir Slack, channel


Last updated 1 year ago

emfprotection.one/ 5G and EMF radiation can cause you to feel stressed with feelings of anxiety and panic. It weakens your immune system and nervous system, so using protection can relieve "unknown" causes of illness naturally. Get protection for your body, cell phone, home, and workspaces and not be a host for 5G and EMF radiation waves.

#5G #EMF #EMR #nerves #immunity

Last updated 1 year ago

holistichealth.one/treatment-f Best Natural Treatment for Alzheimer's, Dementia and Memory Loss. No need to fear memory loss, there is something you can do to help yourself as well as your friends and family that are facing cognitive decline. Boosting natural neurotransmitters, particularly R Lipoic-Acid, phosphytadylserine, Huperzine-A and eating the right types of foods can restore healthy memory and clear focus and prevent brain and nerve degeneration. 's

#alzheimers #Alzheimer #dementia #brain #nerves

Last updated 1 year ago

holistichealth.one/treatment-f The best natural neuropathy treatments for neuropathy in legs and feet. Stop and Reverse Your Painful Neuropathy in Hands, Feet or Legs safely and quickly. Peripheral Neuropathy (nerve pain) is affecting millions of people now, but you can actually stop your nerve pain from ruining your day. Holistic Medicine and Herbal Remedies are Best Natural Remedy for Neuropathy Pain Relief because they work!

#neuropathy #feet #Homeopathy #painrelief #nerves

Last updated 1 year ago

Yikes! The in my !

I did not do anything to it. When you get to be... er... of a certain age, your just randomly start at you "Hey! I'm here pay attention to me!"


#pain #thumb #nerves #screaming

Last updated 1 year ago

herbalremedies.one/treatment-f Best natural remedies that actually work for Neurological Disorders like Parkinson's Disease, Epilepsy, Alzheimer's, Huntington's, Dementia and Nerve Degeneration are the worst kind of condition to have. Learning how to treat Parkinson’s naturally can give you back the quality of your life as well as calm nerves and a clear and lucid mind. You can help prevent brain and nervous system disorders by treating them preventatively and naturally using near infrared light therapy, herbal extracts, homeopathy and energy medicine. 's

#parkinson #Parkinsons #nerves #brain

Last updated 1 year ago

holistichealth.one/treatment-f Best Natural Treatment for Alzheimer's, Dementia and Memory Loss. No need to fear memory loss, there is something you can do to help yourself as well as your friends and family that are facing cognitive decline. Boosting natural neurotransmitters, particularly R Lipoic-Acid, phosphatidylserine, Huperzine-A and eating the right types of foods can restore healthy memory and clear focus and prevent brain and nerve degeneration. 's

#nerves #brain #dementia #Alzheimer #alzheimers

Last updated 2 years ago

holistichealth.one/treatment-f Best Natural Treatment for Alzheimer's, Dementia and Memory Loss. No need to fear memory loss, there is something you can do to help yourself as well as your friends and family that are facing cognitive decline. Boosting natural neurotransmitters, particularly R Lipoic-Acid, phosphatidylserine, Huperzine-A and eating the right types of foods can restore healthy memory and clear focus and prevent brain and nerve degeneration. 's

#nerves #brain #dementia #Alzheimer #alzheimers

Last updated 2 years ago

#brain #nerves #body #neurons

Last updated 2 years ago

pewpewdragons · @ljoonika
80 followers · 963 posts · Server mastodon.art

Not entirely sure if it's because of repetitive movement aka crocheting, or bc my back is having issues, but I'm losing sensation from my right hand fingers again, but this time accompanied by pain on the arm. Last time the doctor said I had a pinched nerve on my elbow but I'm not sure now.

#nerves #health

Last updated 2 years ago

The Psychic Mantra · @khudaniariya
5 followers · 76 posts · Server mstdn.social

Emotions, repression, and complexes are three great enemies of nerves. They can cause stress, anxiety, and even physical symptoms like headaches and muscle tension. It's important to acknowledge and address these factors in order to maintain good mental health. Don't let your emotions, repressed feelings, or deep-seated complexes take control of your nerves. Take care of yourself and seek help if needed.

#complexes #repression #emotions #nerves #SelfCare #mentalhealth

Last updated 2 years ago

holistichealth.one/treatment-f Best Natural Treatment for Alzheimer's, Dementia and Memory Loss. No need to fear memory loss, there is something you can do to help yourself as well as your friends and family that are facing cognitive decline. Boosting natural neurotransmitters and eating the right types of foods can restore healthy memory and clear focus. 's

#nerves #brain #dementia #Alzheimer #alzheimers

Last updated 2 years ago

herbalremedies.one/herbs-for-e You can prevent epileptic seizures and reduce the sensitivity to epilepsy triggers using safe and effective natural vitamins, minerals, essential oils and herbs for epilepsy. If you are consistent you can get past this condition and help your body create new neurons (nerve cells) that work like they should. Dogs and pets can also get help from epilepsy and seizures without harmful medicines with side effects.

#neurons #nerves #brain #seizures #epilepsy

Last updated 2 years ago