Zorro · @zorrobandito
176 followers · 1086 posts · Server aus.social

My first time playing River City Ransom on the NES tonight and what a game! A two button and two player beat-down, the attacks, split paths and RPG elements really add to the enjoyment. The weapons are pretty varied too.

It was released in 1989 by Technos who had popularised the scrolling beat-em-up genre (AKA fight n' go right) with both 1986's Renegade and their 1987 arcade smash, Double Dragon.

It is regarded as an NES classic and has been on my list of games to play on the MISTer. Having spent a good hour with it, I can confirm it's going straight to my favourites list.


#videogame #classicgaming #nes #nesgames #retrogaming #retrogames #rivercityransom #doubledragon #arcade #misterfpga

Last updated 1 year ago

TheGebs24 · @TheGebs24
176 followers · 91 posts · Server universeodon.com