Man this machine looks so beautiful
Rename Machine in App?
@belohorizonte comprei 5 cxs de l'or e não gostei. Tô repassando pelo preço que paguei, 13 a caixa.
Tenho 2 de cada dessas das fotos.
#café #nespresso #bh
Breville Vertuo Next won’t update comes up as My Nespresso Atelier in app
@david_megginson Actually, #nespresso is quite good. For the ones who enjoy one coffee a week i still recommend it. Above, go with a "espresso mashine"
Red and green light appeared on #Nespresso machine this morning. Means it needs to be descaled. I wanted coffee. Did all the button presses to cancel the mode so I could have a morning coffee first. Nope. DESCALE ME!!! Mode couldn’t be deferred. I came one second away from smashing my fist through the machine, through the solid granite countertop beneath it and through the cupboard full of mugs beneath *that*. DESCALE ME. Descale this, you piece of shit. (double finger guns to crotch)
Now descaling. 😡😡😡
Another beautiful day in #brizvegas. Train to town to buy my #Nespresso pods and a boiled egg holder as my son has decided to luv eggs with runny yoke again. It has taken years to get him to try and accept after his favourite cafe closed down. Everyone wants to add something and he hates that. #asdchallenge
#brizvegas #nespresso #asdchallenge
Explosion de ma machine #nespresso Atelier #krups Incroyable, ma cuisine est repeinte ! #deception #cafe
#nespresso #krups #deception #cafe
OL – Kahwa ya Congo
#nespresso vertuo query. Greetings everyone. I am wondering if anybody has looked at the Nespresso vertuo lattissima machine? I do not know how long this machine has been available in the United States and the UK however, it has only been in Australia for about three weeks as far as I know. This machine has buttons for producing different coffees such as latte espresso and others plus it also comes with a milk jug which allows you to Froth the milk and the machine does it all for you. It takes the vertuo Nespresso pods and I am wondering if anybody has played with these machines or owns one and if so, how is this machine from a blindness perspective? Thank you to anyone who may be able to assist.
Gizmodo: LG's New Instant Coffee Machine Mixes Two Pods and Generates Twice the Trash #singleservecoffeecontainer #nonalcoholicdrinks #instantcoffee #foodpackaging #coffeemaker #kickstarter #nespresso #coffee #lglabs #keurig #senseo
#singleservecoffeecontainer #nonalcoholicdrinks #instantcoffee #foodpackaging #coffeemaker #kickstarter #nespresso #coffee #lglabs #keurig #senseo
The talented and funny Jake Reed unboxes the #Nespresso he purchased on Prime Day for his #recording #studio . . .
#drums #coffee #studio #recording #nespresso
Gotta say, the Fortado #Nespresso flavor is great. I particulo like it with extra frotho milko. It’s the perfecto drinko for a slow, leisuro wake-uppo in the morno.
Wife made regular “dripolator” #coffee this morning, just to change it up since we’re always drinking #Nespresso lately. UGH. Tasted horrible. But I never thought so before the Nespresso. What’s truly sad is that if we ever bought a mega expensive #espresso machine and started pulling gourmet shots with rich crema like you see in them Youtube videos, we’d probably think exactly the same about Nespresso :-)
Off to make a pod coffee to get this blasted taste out of my mouth.
Nach anderthalb Wochen #DolceGusto muss ich konstatieren: fast so schlimm wie #Senseo. Das einzig akzeptable Kapselsystem bleibt #Nespresso.
#dolcegusto #senseo #nespresso
So my friend Nick and I did the 7-coffee #Nespresso taste test. We were delighted to discover we both ranked as favourite the coffee varieties we already thought were our faves!
I honestly didn't think my palate was that discerning, but turns out I like what I like, whether I know what I'm tasting or not! (Mine is the Odacio, and I thought maybe I was swayed by the pretty blue capsule, but nope! I like the coffee too!)
Tijd voor een loeihete Latte Macchiato. Gemaakt met de #Starbucks Smooth Caramel. Tot nu toe de #Nespresso cup die ik echt het allerlekkerste vind. Ben bang dat de andere smaken nog lang in het laatje zullen liggen…
This mornings hot beverage is Mexico
Happy Friday
#nespresso #Coffee #FridayFeeling
#nespresso #coffee #fridayfeeling
Probably the prettiest pod I’ve seen. Not a huge fan of the coffee though.
Having had the "pleasure" of using a #Nespresso while on vacation, I'm even more convinced I'll never buy one.
Fast? Sure.
Decent coffee? Depends entirely on what you buy.
A crapton of waste? Definitely.