Jetzt kommt wieder irgend so eine Figur mit nem unscharfen Foto von Loch Ness und murmelt was von #Nessie … 😩
Ne Suche in der Ferienzeit - kein Wunder, wenn dann keiner Zuhause ist. 🫣
This looks nothing like a living creature. It’s not interesting. It’s a blob. #nessie #cryptid
Jetzt doch? Fotos sollen schottisches Seeungeheuer Nessie zeigen
Seit Jahrhunderten gibt es Berichte über ein Seeungeheuer, das im schottischen See Loch Ness leben soll. Zuletzt gab es erneut eine Suche - erfolglos. Nun heizen Fotos den Mythos um Nessie weiter an.
For #cryptid fans, enjoy this loving portrait of an enormous #LochNessMonster expedition. For those who don't want to believe, it's also a wonderful write up of #CitizenScience in general. ❤️ you #Nessie, wherever & whatever you really are.
#cryptid #lochnessmonster #citizenscience #nessie
Inside the latest hunt for #Nessie ‘The Loch Ness Monster’.
“Monster fans have descended upon the Highlands armed with hi-tech equipment for the biggest hunt in half a century”
#Scotland #MythAndLegend
#nessie #scotland #mythandlegend
Imagine a row of Cormorants diving for fish in the morning fog and a DRUNK SCOTSMAN. A myth is born... #Nessie
"#LochNessMonster search ends without evidence of existence
The biggest Loch Ness Monster hunt in over half a century has resulted in several reports of possible sightings but nothing conclusive. The evaluation of the data would take a lot of time, the organizers said."
This is a nice, silly quest for enchantment in the world. It is nonsense that people still refuse to let go of. It says a lot that people can be distracted by a mythical #monster hunt because we dread the awful reality. #cryptids #lochnessmonster #cryptozoology #nessie
#nessie #cryptozoology #lochnessmonster #cryptids #monster
The biggest search for #Nessie in years hears unexplained sounds.
Unfortunately the recorder wasn’t plugged in. 🤦🏻♂️
With drones and webcams, volunteer hunters join a new search for the mythical Loch Ness Monster - PhysOrg #cryptids #Nessie
A moment of clarity: Fuzzy and out-of-focus #Nessie and fuzzy and out-of-focus #Sasquatch were relocated to Earth by fuzzy and out-of-focus alien #UFO spacecraft because they had grown frustrated/irritated with their fuzzy and out-of-focus surroundings (always walking into fuzzy and out-of-focus furniture and having a terrible time trying to pick up fuzzy and out-of-focus peas and carrots with fuzzy and out-of-focus forks) on their fuzzy and out-of-focus home planet.
Das Ungeheuer von Loch Ness
Dem Monster auf der Spur: Große Suchaktion nach Nessie läuft
Jetzt rücken sie dem Ungeheuer von Loch Ness zu Leibe! Mit der größten Suchaktion seit 50 Jahren soll Nessie an diesem Wochenende endlich aufgespürt werden.
#lochness #nessie #schottland #highlands #suche
#Nessie quine🦕 , if you fancy a weekend break in the city wi the girls, you're maist welcome tae a shackydoon in oor hoose.
I've hoarded enough #IrnBru :Scot_IrnBru: tae last a nuclear winter.
Grösste Suche nach Nessie seit langem:
Die werden sie wieder nicht finden. Es ist Sommer. Da ist die Nessie auf Urlaub am #Bodensee. Weiß doch jeder. Tststs
I do wish these numpties would leave poor Nessie alone, she's a very private monster and likes her own space
Jagd auf #Nessie. Bei dem Trubel taucht sie sicher ab.
Loch Ness monster search in Scotland: Where is Nessie?
#seamonster #nessie #mediahype #monster #scotland #lochness
August 22, 565, Irish abbot and missionary Saint Columba reports seeing a monster in Loch Ness - among the strangest explanations of "#Nessie" living in the Scottish lake is the "#earthquake theory" 🏴🐉