I enjoyed Turandot more than I expected to. Of course I perked up when it came to Nessun Dorma, but the rest of the music did not disappoint.
#turandot #nessundorma #puccini #finnishnationalopera
While read and writing here this morning, I just finished listening to Nessun Dorma by Puccini sung by a British group - Amici Forever. For me, Nessun Dorma is at the top of my list of music to listen too, no matter who performs it (at least a serious attempt). #Puccini #Nessundorma #music #aria #classical
#classical #aria #Music #nessundorma #puccini
While read and writing here this morning, I just finished listening to Nessun Dorma by Puccini sung by a British group - Amici Forever. For me, Nessun Dorma is at the top of my list of music to listen too, no matter who performs it (at least a serious attempt). #Puccini #Nessundorma #music #aria #classical
#classical #aria #Music #nessundorma #puccini
Nessun Dorma is like a good piece of cheesecake when sung well.
Dormons-nous cette vie ?
Syntaxe forcée pour une question ouverte.
Chers éveillés, voyants, rebelles, quelle intensité (encore) possible ?
It's been another great year on #film for #CEFC with a couple of major projects that are both top secret for the moment.
But you don't have to wait to hear us on a #soundtrack - pop on #Channel4 now for #BendItlikeBeckham and you'll hear our #NessunDorma at a key part of the movie!
#film #cefc #soundtrack #channel4 #benditlikebeckham #nessundorma
#8dicembre #mattina #insonnia #festa #nessundorma insomma io gli #hastags li ho messi vediamo che succede... penso #nulla come solitamente succede 😂😉
#8dicembre #mattina #insonnia #festa #nessundorma #hastags #nulla
This is brilliant. It's one of my favorite #Grammys moments, and surpasses any of the Grammys shows I attended as a member of The Recording Academy (formally the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences #NARAS). #ArethaFranklin #LucianoPavarotti #NessunDorma @openculture
openculture@toot.community - Aretha Franklin Takes Over for an Ailing Luciano Pavarotti & Sings Puccini’s "Nessun Dorma" at the Grammys (1998)
#nessundorma #lucianopavarotti #arethafranklin #naras #GRAMMYs
RT @raicinque
Ginevra Di Marco, la “voce d’angelo” dei CSI, con Giovanni Lindo Ferretti ha fatto la storia del rock italiano per poi abbracciare, da solista, un percorso di riscoperta della musica popolare.
Lunedì 18 Luglio, con @MaxBernardini, per #NessunDorma alle 21.15 su Rai 5 e RaiPlay
RT @speranzascapp
Questa sera @raicinque #nessundorma @MaxBernardini @CesarePicchi ore 21:15 https://www.raiplay.it/dirette/rai5/Nessun-Dorma-2022-Puntata-6-bedff119-2dd5-4a97-a6d7-00aaadacff60.html
RT @raicinque
Cristina Donà, cantautrice rock premiata con tutti i principali riconoscimenti della canzone d’autore italiana, parla del suo personale modo di comporre e interpretare le canzoni.
Lunedì #30maggio, appuntamento con @MaxBernardini per #NessunDorma alle 21.15 su Rai 5 e RaiPlay