We wish you a Merry Christmas and thank you for all your amazing support for our #Ozouga project and our #Nesta and following our #research adventure to gain a better understanding of #chimpanzee behaviour and #humanevolution. Take care!
#ozouga #nesta #research #chimpanzee #humanevolution
Romagnoli alla Lazio, accordo raggiunto: i dettagli | 20 anni dopo Nesta ecco un altro difensore lazialissimo #romagnoli #lazio #accordo #raggiunto #dettagli #nesta #difensore #lazialissimo #3luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZnJlZS5pdC8yMDIyLzA3LzAzL3JvbWFnbm9saS1hbGxhLWxhemlvLWFjY29yZG8tcmFnZ2l1bnRvLWktZGV0dGFnbGktMjAtYW5uaS1kb3BvLW5lc3RhLWVjY28tdW4tYWx0cm8tZGlmZW5zb3JlLWxhemlhbGlzc2ltby8=
#3luglio #lazialissimo #difensore #nesta #dettagli #raggiunto #accordo #lazio #romagnoli
大数据推了一个没被版权清理的漏网之鱼 signori di calcio #nesta
#CooperativesUK and #Nesta are running a series of 'Platform Co-ops in Practice' events in London/Manchester this May.
These are worth checking out - and sharing with non-coop techies and non-techy co-operators you know.
The aim is to help raise awareness amongst both these demographics - and to create simple and clear communications to assist #platformcoop advocates.
#cooperativesuk #nesta #platformcoop