Cory Doctorow's linkblog · @pluralistic
38966 followers · 35992 posts · Server

You know those ads from companies like (formerly "") that promise that your single-use plastic bottles are "100% recyclable...and can be used for new bottles and all sorts of new, reusable things?"

Bluetriton is a -backed that has absorbed most of the bottled water companies you're familiar with, including , , , , and .


#bluetriton #nestleWaters #privateequity #rollup #polandspring #purelife #splash #ozarka #arrowhead

Last updated 1 year ago

Julie Webgirl · @juliewebgirl
420 followers · 1226 posts · Server

I can't help wondering how much money has contributed to keeping under-regulated.

Yet another US city with undrinkable water for the unfortunately future is money in CEO's slimy greedy even pocket.

#toxicmess #eastpalestine #derailment #mriwanttoownallthewater #gottagetwaterfromsomewhere #nestleWaters #Railways #nestle

Last updated 1 year ago