OK, vi kommer aldrig bli profeter i vår hemstad, men kanske gillar nån fler än vi där ute #NETCONF, #Linux och #embedded ... vi har iaf. precis släppt andra releasen av vårt lelle nätverks-OS, Infix!
Det har även fått en gullig ny logga med en pingvin som gömmer sig i en Ethernet-kontakt.
Little bit too much work right now, very little focus on my own projects.
But at least the new job is still great! Get to talk about #NETCONF #ospf #multicast #linux and #embedded all day long, so I'm a happy camper!! 🙂
Btw, we just released v23.08 of our #opensource network OS, Infix, out the door!
#netconf #ospf #multicast #linux #embedded #opensource
I mean, it’s near impossible to learn and understand all the nuances of YANG. Spent the better part of the afternoon trying to figure out a basic replacement deviation.
But hey, the alternative would be even worse. I’d much rather spend my time modelling my system than debugging if statements and custom regexps in my C code.
#netconf #yang #opensource #infix
Yesterday, I started working on a #Python script to retrieve software versions for our networking equipment. Today, I will continue working on this, I have to verify a coworkers change and if time permits, I want to checkout the possibilities of #NetConf traps.
#python #netconf #DailyStandup
Spent the better part of the week reading up on, and trying to catch up with, #NETCONF! Completely woozy and super confused, but I'm getting there, albeit slowly ... I'm old, after all.
Also learned about #OpenConfig and #gNMI this week so now I'm down to #sysrepo or #clixon as the base for our new venture -- which when we get fired up on all cylinders, will be almost 10 ppl implementing both NETCONF and OpenConf with a WebUI completely #opensource
This is going to be one HECK of a ride 😄
#netconf #openconfig #gnmi #sysrepo #clixon #opensource