I will be #NetControl for the #DFW Metroplex #TrafficNet at 23:30 UTC 18:30 CDT. We relay #radiogram messages into and out of Dallas/Fort Worth through the #NationalTrafficSystem and provide training to #AmateurRadio operators interested in traffic handling.
More info on https://dfwtrafficnet.org
Listen on https://broadcastify.com/listen/feed/40073
Join us on 146.88 MHz, EchoLink W5FC-R or Allstar http://stats.allstarlink.org/nodeinfo.cgi?node=55518
#netcontrol #dfw #trafficnet #radiogram #nationaltrafficsystem #amateurradio
I will be #NetControl for the DFW Metroplex #TrafficNet at 23:30 UTC 18:30 CDT. We relay #radiogram messages into and out of Dallas/Fort Worth through the #NationalTrafficSystem and provide training to #AmateurRadio operators interested in traffic handling.
More info on https://dfwtrafficnet.org
Listen on https://broadcastify.com/listen/feed/40073
Join us on 146.88 MHz, EchoLink W5FC-R or Allstar http://stats.allstarlink.org/nodeinfo.cgi?node=55518
#netcontrol #trafficnet #radiogram #nationaltrafficsystem #amateurradio
I will be serving as #NetControl for the DFW #TrafficNet at 23:30 UTC 18:30 CDT. We relay #radiogram messages into and out of Dallas/Fort Worth through the #NationalTrafficSystem and provide training to #AmateurRadio operators interested in traffic handling.
More info on https://dfwtrafficnet.org
Listen on https://broadcastify.com/listen/feed/40073
Join us on 146.88 MHz, EchoLink W5FC-R or Allstar http://stats.allstarlink.org/nodeinfo.cgi?node=55518
#netcontrol #trafficnet #radiogram #nationaltrafficsystem #amateurradio
I will be #NetControl for the DFW Metroplex #TrafficNet at 23:30 UTC 18:30 CDT. We relay #radiogram messages into and out of Dallas/Fort Worth through the #NationalTrafficSystem and provide training to #AmateurRadio operators interested in traffic handling.
More info on https://dfwtrafficnet.org
Listen on https://broadcastify.com/listen/feed/40073
Join us on 146.88 MHz, EchoLink W5FC-R or Allstar http://stats.allstarlink.org/nodeinfo.cgi?node=55518
#netcontrol #trafficnet #radiogram #nationaltrafficsystem #amateurradio
I’ll serve as #NetControl for the DFW Metroplex #TrafficNet at 23:30 UTC 18:30 CST. We relay #radiogram messages into and out Dallas/Fort Worth through the #NationalTrafficSystem and provide training to #AmateurRadio operators interested in traffic handling.
More info on https://dfwtrafficnet.org
Listen on https://broadcastify.com/listen/feed/40073
You can participate on 146.88 MHz EchoLink W5FC-R or Allstar node 55518 http://stats.allstarlink.org/nodeinfo.cgi?node=55518
#netcontrol #trafficnet #radiogram #nationaltrafficsystem #amateurradio
I will be serving as #NetControl for the DFW Metroplex #TrafficNet at 00:30 UTC 18:30 CST. We relay #radiogram messages into and out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area through the #NationalTrafficSystem and provide training to #AmateurRadio operators interested in traffic handling.
More info on https://dfwtrafficnet.org
All stations licensed to transmit on 2 meters are welcome to participate on 146.88 MHz EchoLink W5FC-R or Allstar node 55518 http://stats.allstarlink.org/nodeinfo.cgi?node=55518
#netcontrol #trafficnet #radiogram #nationaltrafficsystem #amateurradio
I will be serving as #NetControl for the DFW Metroplex #TrafficNet at 00:30 UTC 18:30 CST. We relay #radiogram messages into and out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area through the #NationalTrafficSystem and provide training to #AmateurRadio operators interested in traffic handling.
More info on https://dfwtrafficnet.org
Listen on https://www.broadcastify.com/webPlayer/29333
All stations licensed to transmit on 2 meters are welcome to participate on 146.88 MHz EchoLink W5FC-R or Allstar node 55518 http://stats.allstarlink.org/nodeinfo.cgi?node=55518
#netcontrol #trafficnet #radiogram #nationaltrafficsystem #amateurradio
I will be serving as #NetControl for the DFW Metroplex #TrafficNet at 00:30 UTC 18:30 CST. We relay #radiogram messages into and out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area through the #NationalTrafficSystem and provide training to #AmateurRadio operators interested in traffic handling.
More info on https://dfwtrafficnet.org
Listen on https://www.broadcastify.com/webPlayer/29333
All stations licensed to transmit on 2 meters are welcome to participate on 146.88 MHz EchoLink W5FC-R or Allstar node 55518 http://stats.allstarlink.org/nodeinfo.cgi?node=55518
#netcontrol #trafficnet #radiogram #nationaltrafficsystem #amateurradio
My name is Calvin Gluck and I use this account primarily for things related to #AmateurRadio. My home location (QTH) is Arlington Texas USA grid square EM12.
I enjoy #CommunityService relaying #radiograms through the #NationalTrafficSystem serving as a #NetControl #RadioSport #contesting #ParksOnTheAir #QSLcards low power #QRP #WeakSignal #DigitalModes #FT8 #AMSAT #ARISS
#introduction #amateurradio #communityservice #radiograms #nationaltrafficsystem #netcontrol #radiosport #contesting #parksontheair #qslcards #qrp #weaksignal #digitalmodes #ft8 #amsat #ariss
I will be serving as #NetControl for the DFW Metroplex #TrafficNet at 00:30 UTC 18:30 CST. We relay #radiogram messages into and out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area through the #NationalTrafficSystem and provide training to #AmateurRadio operators interested in traffic handling. We practice so we are ready when traditional communications are unavailable.
More info on https://dfwtrafficnet.org
Listen on https://www.broadcastify.com/webPlayer/29333
#netcontrol #trafficnet #radiogram #nationaltrafficsystem #amateurradio
All in all, the combination of live telemetry along with #HamRadio operators makes running #NetControl much easier.
#NetControl can be an interesting place when cars turn sideways on the course and no amount of Austin-Powersesque 300 point turns help the problem.
Shifting into #NetControl mode for @BigWhiteRally over the next couple of days.
This toy was dropped off to me for set-up
I will be serving as #NetControl for the DFW Metroplex #TrafficNet at 00:30 UTC 18:30 CST. We relay #radiogram messages into and out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area through the #NationalTrafficSystem and provide training to #AmateurRadio operators interested in traffic handling.
All stations licensed to transmit on 2 meters are welcome to participate on EchoLink W5FC-R or Allstar node 55518 http://stats.allstarlink.org/nodeinfo.cgi?node=55518
Listen on
More info on https://dfwtrafficnet.org
#netcontrol #trafficnet #radiogram #nationaltrafficsystem #AmateurRadio
Yes, next weekend I'll be kinda-live-Tweeting our antics in #NetControl from @BigWhiteRally in Kelowna B.C.
Two Net Control operators running two stages at the same time - double the fun, double the desense!
Volunteers needed if you are in the area, see https://bigwhiterally.com/volunteers/
I am #NetControl for the DFW #TrafficNet at 00:30 UTC 18:30 CST. We relay #radiogram messages into and out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area through the #NationalTrafficSystem and provide training to #AmateurRadio operators interested in traffic handling.
All licensed stations are welcome to participate on EchoLink W5FC-R or Allstar node 55518 http://stats.allstarlink.org/nodeinfo.cgi?node=55518
Listen on
More info on https://dfwtrafficnet.org
#netcontrol #trafficnet #radiogram #nationaltrafficsystem #AmateurRadio
I will be serving as #NetControl for the DFW Metroplex #TrafficNet at 00:30 UTC 18:30 CST. We relay #radiogram messages into and out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area through the #NationalTrafficSystem and provide training to #AmateurRadio operators interested in traffic handling.
All stations licensed to transmit on 2 meters are welcome to participate on EchoLink W5FC-R or Allstar node 55518 http://stats.allstarlink.org/nodeinfo.cgi?node=55518
Listen on
More info on https://dfwtrafficnet.org
#netcontrol #trafficnet #radiogram #nationaltrafficsystem #AmateurRadio
@k2za thanks for the welcome!
#QST #introduction I am Calvin Gluck W7KYG. I will use this account for #AmateurRadio and sparingly for other nerdy topics. I will try to keep it #Part97 #OnAir appropriate. My #QTH is EM12ks Arlington Texas USA. I enjoy #CommunityService, relaying #radiograms through the #NationalTrafficSystem, serving as a #NetControl #RadioSport #ParksOnTheAir #QSLcards #QRP #WeakSignal #DigitalModes #FT8 #AMSAT #ARISS #SKYWARN #OpenSource #DireWolf #APRS #Linux #RaspberryPi
#QST #introduction #AmateurRadio #part97 #onair #qth #communityservice #radiograms #nationaltrafficsystem #netcontrol #radiosport #ParksOnTheAir #qslcards #qrp #weaksignal #digitalmodes #ft8 #amsat #ariss #Skywarn #opensource #direwolf #aprs #linux #raspberrypi