Maude Nificent · @maudenificent
732 followers · 5534 posts · Server

trying to entice me back with a promo poster of Depp v Heard 😆
“Showing both testimonies side-by-side for the first time, this series explores the trial that set Hollywood ablaze and the online fallout that ensued.”
🤔 yeah … nah

also … do you really think everyone has unlimited income and subscribes to every single streaming service at the same time?

also … if your cash flow is struggling cos of the writers and actors strike, then it’s working. if i had any taste for reality i could watch it for nothing. how is depp v heard “escapism” or entertainment?
it’s just lowest common denominator rubbish 🤢 on a par with fox news

the australian parliament is full of entitled and dysfunctional twats. what makes Depp v Heard so special? or if i was interested in that sort of crap i would have real friends and then i wouldn’t need to subscribe to any network, would i?

do you WANT me to lose hope in humanity? and more in that vein

i’m old: if you don;t lift your game, i have a shit load of dvds i can watch - including good stuff that’s not streamed by anyone. and it will all seem as new and fresh as the first time i watched it, cos, y’know … gettin old.


Last updated 1 year ago

Phil Yahstockings · @phil_tanner
744 followers · 1744 posts · Server

Additionally, on , we watched just before Xmas. Again, a solid

#netflixau #irreverant #streamingrecommendation

Last updated 2 years ago

davej · @davej
66 followers · 75 posts · Server

Having now binged the whole (first, I hope?) season of , I’m glad to say it holds up, and gets better as the season goes on. There’s a hook for further episodes—one that I hope gets picked up—but in today’s streaming climate, who knows? It seems to be performing well on , but like many local productions it’s how a series fares abroad that determines whether it sinks or swims.

#irreverent #netflixau

Last updated 2 years ago

davej · @davej
54 followers · 40 posts · Server

I figure I’m likely late to the party, but I quite enjoyed the first episode of on . (FWIW, I believe it also streams on Netflix in NZ, and on Peacock in the US.) The quirky, small country town’s almost a cliché in Australian comedy, but it’s a trope we seem to have a handle on, and despite everything thrown at the film industry here, we have the talent to consistently make it work.

#irreverent #netflixau

Last updated 2 years ago