Absolutely loving Mindhunter! Can't get over how amazing Jonathan Groff is as Holden Ford. He's a total boss! 👏🔎🧠
#Mindhunter #JonathanGroff #HoldenFord #NetflixBinge #BitBook
#mindhunter #jonathangroff #holdenford #netflixbinge #bitbook
Update: #NetflixBinge, "HAPPY"
I did not realize there is a second season. With the way the first season ended, I'm unsure how they will storify all the fallout plus the horrific opening events.
Either way, I really do not like the two women investigators. I know they're written to be Not Nice (TM), and these actresses are knocking right out of this park and over a couple more out past the parking lot.
I really should accomplish something productive today.
Update on my #NetflixBinge "HAPPY"
I know exactly where each of my children is; same for their beloveds, and the same for my precious grandlings. I know they all are warm, clean, dry, and fed. I know they are safe.
This show is every single screaming, sweat-soaked nightmare I've ever had - even into their individual adulthoods - where one of them goes missing or is taken by someone incapable of rational thought.
#netflixbinge #amazingstory #completelygutted #mombuttonssmashed
Pretty sure Leonard is one of the births from that day, and has his own powers.
Unsure yet if he's the one affecting Vanya, or it's her own powers which were kept suppressed by her meds.
Still think he's evil though.
(That was Ben in his attic, yes?)
#umbrellaacademy #netflixbinge
Yes Netflix, I *am* still watching #RussianDoll. Just like I was *last* time you asked me. Yes, I know it's the same night, and no, I haven't moved from the couch...
Surely you know my viewing habits by now?