Over a year ago I bought a little #miniPC and installed #PFSense on it to serve as a #router for my #homelab
I didn't hook it up right away, and I forgot the credentials I used to set it up, but I connected it to a switch and it #justWorks so I never bothered to fix it.
My #Netgear #Wifi AP needs updated and restarted all the time, but pfSense has been doing it's job ever since with absolutely no help from me.
Very impressive!
#wifi #netgear #justworks #homelab #router #pfsense #minipc
Obraz w głowie programisty, czyli CVE-2021-40866
Jedną z metod, które używam do znalezienia błędów bezpieczeństwa jest czytanie dokumentacji. A konkretniej, szukanie w niej miejsc, w których programista implementujący daną rzecz mógłby uznać, że coś na pewno będzie miało miejsce, „bo tak każe dokumentacja”. I o ile tego konkretnego błędu, który sprowokował powstanie tego artykułu, nie znalazłem...
#Teksty #Cve #Gynvael #Netgear
#teksty #cve #gynvael #netgear
@daringfireball I really wish companies like #Firewalla would get in touch w/you. They're perfect for your audience and more people should know about them! I replaced my #Eero with a #Netgear #WiFi6E router and #firewalla and love it!
So much faster than my #EeroPro6 network!
#firewalla #eero #netgear #wifi6e #eeropro6
Just finished installing the #Netgear #WiFi 630 6E #AXE7800 and can't say enough how much better my home network is by separating out the 2.4gHz, 5gHz, and #6gHz bands.
Those awful 2.4 devices that can't (won't) do #5gHz go on their separate radio and SSID - no longer causing issues with 5gHz devices bouncing down to 2.4 and never back up to 5.
Also, the 2.5mbps #backhaul of this device is amazing! REALLY helped my #network devices. No more #AppleTV buffering issues, and #iOS devices just FLY!
#netgear #wifi #axe7800 #6ghz #5ghz #backhaul #network #appletv #ios
The #netgear #powerline 1000 adapters which are very close to each-other on the opposide sides of the same wall (best real-world scenario), can barely do 200mbps, when connected directly to the MoCA adapter I can saturate the full gigabit connection.
And they said it could do 1000mbps. Bullshit marketing as usual.
#netgear #powerline #networking
I kind of wished my #NAS used #Btrfs or #ZFS, but #md is pretty solid. The pain is when resyncs or reshapes happen, which I’m doing now after replacing an ailing 4TB drive with an 8TB one. It’s nice I’m finally to 8x8TB (raid6), but the 24 hours to reshape a stripe is slightly anxious.
#nas #btrfs #zfs #md #netgear #readynas #528x
This morning's Annoying #Networking Problem: Couldn't access the garage network switch. (the new #Netgear GS308TP)
The clue is the switch has multiple VLANs set up, and gets its IP from DHCP, but crucially doesn't support management VLAN selection.
The DHCP lease expired overnight, so it asked for one on *all VLANs*, and got an IP from HASS... which put it on the IoT VLAN.
Is this documented in the manual? Nope... but it is on an old forum post, if you can find it:
Mein komplettes Netzwerksetup ist wieder physikalisch, wie es vorab war. Ausschließlich Firmwareupdates, Restarts und kleinere Anpassungen in der Konfig.
Das Problem ist nicht mehr vorhanden und das eigentliche Problem wohl auch nicht mehr zu ergründen.
Ich würde sage: Case closed. Bis wieder was auffällt.
#accesspoint #switch #router #tplink #speedport #netgear
@WizardTux Running with several #unifi #10G as well as several #netgear ones also
#Router #Netgear, una catena di #exploit espone gli utenti ad attacchi remoti - The Computer Security News (BLOG)
#cybersecurity #hacking https://www.computersecuritynews.it/router-netgear-una-catena-di-exploit-espone-gli-utenti-ad-attacchi-remoti/
#Hacking #CyberSecurity #exploit #netgear #Router
Et DD-WRT à toujours à démarrer le bouzin le 1/1/1970...
Mais ca roule !
#Netgear Vulnerabilities Lead to Credentials Leak, Privilege Escalation #cybersecurity https://www.securityweek.com/netgear-vulnerabilities-lead-to-credentials-leak-privilege-escalation/ @SecurityWeek
NETGEAR 「人人有份多重賞」消費券優惠 指定型號路由器送 $300 超市禮券、1 年 NETGEAR Armor、A8000 多重賞
又派消費券,當然要趁機入手升級換機。有見及此,NETGEAR 推出「人人有份多重賞」 消費券優惠,分別為「第 […]
The post NETGEAR 「人人有份多重賞」消費券優惠 指定型號路由器送 $300 超市禮券、1 年 NETGEAR Armor、A8000 多重賞 appeared first on 香港 unwire.hk 玩生活.樂科技.
#家居無線 #NETGEAR #wi-fi #無線網絡
Switched out my home WiFi from an ageing #Netgear WAC104 to #Unifi Pro 6.
Things noticed so far:
* I've gained an extra VM to manage my AP.
* Things connected to 5Ghz can talk to things on 2.4Ghz (and vice/versa).
* I can pull 300Mb/s from one client whilst the others will keep streaming happily.
* I have a sudden urge to mount everything on the walls / ceiling.
* The Netgear GS108T is probably going to be next to go...
Test avec une SIM #BouyguesTelecom B&you sur le #Oneplus8Pro et la SIM #4Gbox dans le #MR2100 #NetgearM2 #Netgear distance 4 Km des antennes LTE full fréquences disponible. #Nperf #Netmonster
#bouyguestelecom #oneplus8pro #4gbox #mr2100 #netgearm2 #netgear #nperf #netmonster
Test avec une SIM #BouyguesTelecom B&you sur le #Oneplus8Pro et la SIM #4Gbox dans le #MR2100 #NetgearM2 #Netgear distance 4 Km des antennes LTE full fréquences disponible. #Nperf #Netmonster
#bouyguestelecom #oneplus8pro #4gbox #mr2100 #netgearm2 #netgear #nperf #netmonster