"ICANN warns UN may sideline tech community from future internet governance" via @ssharwood
What are your thoughts on the proposed Global Digital Compact?
#internet #icann #internetgovernance #netgov
Vous menez ou voulez mener une enquête de terrain sur la #gouvernance d'#Internet (#netgov #netgouv) ?
Vous avez jusqu'à demain pour candidater à notre appel à financements de terrains : https://netgouv.hypotheses.org/280
#gouvernance #internet #netgov #netgouv
"If approved, these proposed rules would be a disaster for the Internet as we know it, undermining existing net neutrality regulations, shifting costs to end-users, consolidating the position of big tech companies, and potentially even triggering a #fragmentation of the #Internet."
Read more: https://www.politico.eu/article/new-eu-telecom-rules-will-leave-everyone-worse-off-internet-network/
#fragmentation #internet #internetgovernance #netgov
"The idea that content providers would require a separate contract with a network on the other side of the world to deliver traffic is in direct conflict with the very essence of the #Internet." - Internet Society's Carl Gahnberg
via @politico
#internet #internetgovernance #netgov
We're joining Apolitical on 13 April for an online workshop for any public servant or #policymaker who is curious about using data #encryption in the public service—how it is currently used and how it could be used.
Learn more and register: https://apolitical.co/events/why-its-so-important-to-encrypt-data-in-the-public-service
#policymaker #encryption #internet #internetgovernance #netgov
We Testified Because the Internet Needs a Voice - https://www.internetsociety.org/blog/2023/03/we-testified-because-the-internet-needs-a-voice/
#section230 #internetgovernance #netgov #internet
Mongolian government pushes for power to shut down the Internet
The 'Law on Protecting Human Rights' would give the minister of internal affairs the new power of shutting down the Internet or reducing its spread. It would also create a public relations unit that would be able to censor content that includes "denigrating state symbols, national, historical and cultural values, culture and customs of Mongolia."
#internetaccess #internetgovernance #netgov #keepiton
Carta em defesa do modelo brasileiro de Governança da Internet. Por favor, assinem. https://www.isoc.org.br/noticia/carta-em-defesa-do-modelo-brasileiro-de-governanca-da-internet #netgov
After Salerno 2019, GIG-ARTS Conference is coming back to Italy.
"The Governance of #Cybersecurity: Resilience, Human Rights and Democracy".
Deadline for abstract submissions: 26 February 2023
Full CfP: https://t.co/gCAag78DgH
#cybersecurity #netgov #internetgovernance #humanrights #democracy
We have selected 30 young, passionate people to participate in our #IGF2022 Youth Ambassador Program, equipping the next generation of Internet leaders to collaborate and innovate for a better world. Meet our fellows: https://www.internetsociety.org/policy-programs/igf-youth-ambassadors/2022/
#internetgovernance #netgov #internet #IGF2022 #igf
We have selected 30 young, passionate people to participate in our #IGF2022 Youth Ambassador Program, equipping the next generation of Internet leaders to collaborate and innovate for a better world. Meet our fellows: https://www.internetsociety.org/policy-programs/igf-youth-ambassadors/2022/
#internetgovernance #netgov #internet #IGF2022 #igf
On Wednesday, I'll be speaking at the #InternetGovernance Forum 2022 about low Earth orbit satellites (#LEOs) and #InternetAccess . Other colleagues at @internetsociety will be speaking as well. You can see our full list of sessions where we are involved:
#internetgovernance #leos #internetaccess #igf #IGF2022 #netgov #internet
We'll be participating in #IGF2022 all this week to advocate for an open, globally connected, secure, and trustworthy Internet for everyone. Here are the sessions where we'll be involved: https://www.internetsociety.org/events/igf/2022/our-activities/
#igf #internetgovernance #netgov #IGF2022
We'll be participating in #IGF2022 all this week to advocate for an open, globally connected, secure, and trustworthy Internet for everyone. Here are the sessions where we'll be involved: https://www.internetsociety.org/events/igf/2022/our-activities/
#igf #internetgovernance #netgov #IGF2022
WEBCAST NOV 28 – #IGF2022 – Understanding Internet Fragmentation @miltonmueller @SullivanISOC Wolfgang Kleinwächter #EuroSSIG Sheetal Kumar @GlobalPartnersD @neha_mishra_nm @GVAGrad Xu Peixi @wjdrake Anriette Esterhuysen #fragmentation #netgov
On Monday November 28 2022 at 14:00-15:30 UTC the Internet Governance Forum presents a session 'Understanding Internet Fragmentation: Concepts and
#post #AndrewSullivan #fragmentation #igf #igf2022 #miltonmueller
#IGF2022 #eurossig #fragmentation #netgov #post #andrewsullivan #igf #miltonmueller
WEBCAST NOV 17 – CITI Webinar – Internet Fragmentation, Reconsidered #GlobalDigitalGovernance #fragmentation @Columbia_Biz @vgcerf @SullivanISOC @gap_the_mind @Elinoam @wjdrake #netgov
On Thursday November 17 2022 at 11:00-12:30 EST (16:00-17:30 UTC) the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information presents a webinar 'Internet Fragmentation, Reconsidered'. A panel of leading analysts a
#post #AndrewSullivan #citi #fragmentation #internetgovernance #VintCerf
#globaldigitalgovernance #fragmentation #netgov #post #andrewsullivan #citi #internetgovernance #vintcerf
RT @LucienCastex
Intelligence artificielle : l’avis @CNCDH est disponible ici 👇👇
Intelligence artificielle et droits humains : Pour l’élaboration d’un cadre juridique ambitieux ✅🤖 #StandUp4HumanRights #artificialintalligence #NetGov @Observatoire_IA @CeliaZolynski
https://www.cncdh.fr/publications/avis-relatif-limpact-de-lintelligence-artificielle-sur-les-droits-fondamentaux-2022-6 https://twitter.com/adn_paris1/status/1539535917131743232
#netgov #artificialintalligence #standup4humanrights
J’ajoute à « à lire ».
RT @LucienCastex@twitter.com
« Quand la gouvernance d'Internet fait controverse » 👉 Fier de la publication de ce numéro 132-133 de la revue Terminal et de ce dossier coordonné avec @julienrossi@twitter.com @franmusiani@twitter.com 🎬👏👏
#Alire ici https://journals-openedition-org.ezproxy.univ-paris3.fr/terminal/ 💻🛰📖 #ODD #Recherche #NetGov 👇👇
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LucienCastex/status/1506306099141660679
#alire #odd #recherche #netgov
This is happening tomorrow: https://mastodon.social/@rohini/106975564845587043
Live-streaming channel for those who are joining via Zoom: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCeQOg5KKdzuQHu5zwdRHA4Q
#APrIGF2021 #aprigf #netgov #COVIDTech
RT @RajneshSingh
Evolving situation in #Myanmar with #Internet connectivity also affected. From contacts on the ground, connectivity is a bit erratic depending on provider & type of access. #Mobile appears to be the most affected. #InternetShutdowns #netgov #keepiton
#KeepItOn #netgov #internetshutdowns #mobile #Internet #Myanmar