Final post in the #Netherlands22 series. After seeing so many fantastic things shared by @modacitylife, we couldn't resist spending our last day in Delft. So after a tip from them, we took Reinier de Graafweg as our starting point and headed into the city.
Back with another in the #netherlands22 series. Hot weather and the hunt for somewhere to swim, took us on a bike ride in the Dutch countryside to a fantastic public swimming pool.
What better thing to do on a sunny August day, than to cycle along a river to see the windmills at Zaanse Schans.
Back with another post in the #netherlands22 series.
#netherlands22 #Netherlands #cycling #zaandam #zaanseschans
Back with another #netherlands22 post. A ride and ferry trip over from Zaandam to Amsterdam, featuring a Keith Haring mural, a trip to De Hallen, a ride through the Rijksmuseum, a ride round Vondelpark and a boat ride on the canal ring.
Latest post in the #netherlands22 series, a really enjoyable ride and day out at the fantastic NDSM, featuring Faralda Crane Hotel, NDSM Loods, Pllek-NDSM, Treehouse NDSM and STRAAT Museum. Made possible by high quality Dutch cycling infrastructure.
Back with another in the #netherlands22 series and the first from our stay in the wonderful Zaandam, featuring boats, bridges, cycles, woonerven and crazy looking hotels.
Back with another in the #netherlands22 series and the first from our stay in the wonderful Zaandam, featuring boats, bridges, cycles, woonerven and crazy looking hotels.
Back with the final post from our week at Duinrell, though just half way in the #netherlands22 series. The route to Leiden, a familiar ride we've done many times, but with some improvements since our last visit in 2019.
Back with another post in the #netherlands22 series. Partly inspired by @BicycleDutch's post on Rotterdam’s Coolsingel, we returned to the city, for the first time since 2013, relying on cycling and public transport, to get us there from Duinrell.
Back with another post in the #netherlands22 series, this time with a ride down to the beach at Wassenaarse Slag. A popular route for many staying at Duinrell, usually on the famous green hire bikes.
Back with the 2nd post in the #netherlands22 series, with more Dutch cycling infrastructure goodness. In this post, we cycle out to Vlietland, a recreational area and man-made lake, formed by the extraction of sand over a number of years.