Nesi 𓃧‬ ☥ · @Nesi
175 followers · 500 posts · Server

I've been debating writing this post for awhile, and I strongly believe many people relevant to it are not going to like it.

But here it is. I have my own emotions, my own perspective. No one has to agree with me, and I am not seeking approval

I simply agreed at one point that I would talk about my shift in and/or away-from (temporarily, permanent, who knows), and after a few weeks of thinking about this post, well here we are.

Your friendly neighborhood Kemetic Polytheist



#KemeticOrthodoxy #website #tumblr #blog #Kemetic #kemet #personal #netjer #religion #Pagan #spirituality #spiritualgrowth #spiritualjourney #kemeticism #paganism #polytheism

Last updated 1 year ago

Nesi 𓃧‬ ☥ · @Nesi
176 followers · 473 posts · Server
Nesi 𓃧‬ ☥ · @Nesi
174 followers · 459 posts · Server
Nesi 𓃧‬ ☥ · @Nesi
167 followers · 419 posts · Server

Big move inside the apartment today, laying the ground-work to move the main shrine into the far end of the living area, where the are now.

This is going to change the flow of everything, as I'm tired of the mess being at that end and just cluttering up the space, and allow me to enjoy Jackals far more frequently than I do currently (I only go into the 'shrine room' for ritual stuff and I really want to see 100% of the time, I mean who doesn't, pfft).

So I will be able to have and and more often for Wepwawet as well since I can keep an eye on lit candles etc. and more casual "s'up *highfive*" style communication on my way to and from the kitchen 🤣

Truthfully, Wepwawet wanted a big everyday but never requested it to be as sequestered as it is now, and so He will be pleased, as He is very much an every-day Jackal God ❤

My ritual shrine will still stay in the other room where the 3D printers will go. They aren't too loud thankfully.


Update: 2.5 hours and a massive migraine, but I got it done. Don't ask for pictures behind the camera, it looks like a whole apartment exploded.

#wepwawet #3dprinters #3dprinter #jackals #candles #incense #offerings #shrine #Kemetic #KemeticOrthodox #Pagan #paganism #gods #netjer #ancientegypt

Last updated 2 years ago

Nesi 𓃧‬ ☥ · @Nesi
165 followers · 410 posts · Server

"Your ailments will not enter these limbs of mine: I am Atum, upon the fore of the Primeval Water. My protection is that of the gods, the lords of eternity. I am the secret-named, sacred-throned, beyond millions. I am amidst them, I have gone out with Atum. I am one who is, I have not counted, doubly healthy."

(From the Formula for passing the hard sandbank of A̷p̷e̷p̷)

#prayer #ancientegypt #kemet #quotes #gods #netjer

Last updated 2 years ago

Nesi 𓃧‬ ☥ · @Nesi
165 followers · 409 posts · Server

"Hail to You, Hapi, sprung from the Earth, come to nourish Egypt. Of secret ways, a darkness by day, to Whom His followers sing! Who floods the fields that Ra has made, to nourish all who thirst; Lets drink the waterless desert, His dew descending from the sky."

#prayer #ancientegypt #kemet #quotes #gods #netjer

Last updated 2 years ago

Chamomile Kemetic · @teagarden
183 followers · 166 posts · Server
Chamomile Kemetic · @teagarden
174 followers · 157 posts · Server

Hail Yinepu, lord of the embalming oils. You who are the Udjat Eye. Be praised and welcomed.

#Kemetic #kemeticism #netjer #polytheism #Pagan #paganism #DigitalArt

Last updated 2 years ago

Chamomile Kemetic · @teagarden
174 followers · 156 posts · Server

O Nefertem, the Lotus blossom, who dwells in the hearts of all. You child, you lion, you brother, you god. Be bright, be fierce, and be loved. O you deity of flowers, soul of plants.

#kemeticism #Kemetic #netjer #netjeru #nefertem #Pagan #paganism #polytheism #DigitalArt #flowers

Last updated 2 years ago

Chamomile Kemetic · @teagarden
163 followers · 149 posts · Server

Sekhmet, the Dawn Eye, breaks open the heavens to allow Ra to rise.

#kemeticism #Kemetic #netjer #sekhmet #DigitalArt #Pagan #paganism #egyptiangods

Last updated 2 years ago