But just to say, and prove, that #netlabelday is far from being useless.
Here's Crem Road website report
Month | Unique visitors
Jan 2023 736
Feb 2023 593
Mar 2023 708
Apr 2023 829
May 2023 539
Jun 2023 631
Jul 2023 1 679
Aug 2023 1 136
Big thanx for Manuel Silva for creating Netlabel Day. Big thanx for @wiloma for managing it currently. Big thanx to any #netlabel that is or was a part of it but moreover…
BIG THANX to listeners, a reason2music
finally at the video recording from #NetLabelDay event two weeks ago when oir streaming plans failed. it's pretty ok. the whole raw 2h thing is already on #PeerTube but I edited 1min clips and also separate full performances by participants. there's also some lovely photos made by Marijo Zupanov, I'll share all those.
#netlabelday #peertube #kamizdat #creativecommons
The #musicians among you may know the feeling… sometimes it is quite remarkable how #music develops a life of its own.
Here's a little piece about the making of the Biike EP.
#musicians #music #musicproduction #ccmusic #netlabelday
The #musicians among you may know the feeling… sometimes it is quite remarkable how #music develops a life of its own.
Here's a little piece about the making of the Biike EP.
#musicians #music #musicproduction #ccmusic #netlabelday
The #musicians among you may know the feeling… sometimes it is quite remarkable how #music develops a life of its own.
Here's a little piece about the making of the Biike EP.
#musicians #music #musicproduction #ccmusic #netlabelday
mxv - It's #NetlabelDay! I've got a newly minted website for my #netlabel Tryptophonic using @freebliss's excellent static site generator #Faircamp. All #music available to stream & free flac downloads. Special thanks to @wiloma for putting so much effort in for this years #NetlabelD2023. Here's to #FreeCulture!
#netlabelday #netlabel #faircamp #music #netlabeld2023 #freeculture
@knrd @dlikdh everything was ready when uplink to server in Helsinki stopped working with any suitable speed (less then 500kbps). something was really up with teh internets because even streaming to youtube failed.
so we went ahead with a local version and recorded everything, video in OBS like we would for stream. it will be uploaded in 14 days, when i return from vacations.
i am glad there is a #netlabelday
i still love free netlabels & cc, even though my own netlabel stopped activities a number of years ago.
i used to be very enthusiastic about evangelizing for netlabels, but after some life stuff happened i had to move on from constantly boosting that community.
my own netlabel is archived here:
most stuff there ought to still work.
And last but not least a 120 Minute Special for #netlabelday with @knrd of our podcast "Read the funky license" where we focus on #ccmusic from Germany.
For individual :cc_cc: licenses of the tracks, please read ... well, you know the drill.
Then my contribution to #fedivision is now released on #netlabelday.
FC Stoffel - Der Frieden braucht keine neuen Lieder.
File under: singer-songwriter.
:cc_cc: :cc_by: :cc_nc_eu: :cc_nd:
#freemusic #creativecommons #ccmusic #netlabelday #fedivision
Time to announce our releases for #Netlabelday.
Drehkommando - Live at Mülheimer Nacht 2023
7 Tracks, that I distilled out of a six hour live recording. File under techno, electronic.
:cc_cc: :cc_by: :cc_sa:
#ccmusic #creativecommons #freemusic
#freemusic #creativecommons #ccmusic #netlabelday
All music should be #ccmusic (or #libremusic?). everything is a remix and in the age of the net and rising decentralization, we should focus on human recommendations and sharing and direct support vs corporate algorithms and middleman profits.
but I don't understand music labels today. thus #netlabelday is confusing to me. I see labels evolving into online radio stations, with DJs who love that genre of music, set of artists or local scene. and #funkwhale should be a decentralized #Bandcamp.
#ccmusic #libremusic #netlabelday #funkwhale #bandcamp
getting kinda nervous for this evening.
a lot is ready, but still some things to be done.
so much org for events, especially if you're mc, org, tech, and curator, and what not. I have help, but still.
see you at 20:00 CEST at
2 years ago #otd #netlabelday release on Mahorka - The Reinterpretation of Dreams.
10 remixes of tracks from Chiisana Yumetachi plus a new dark ambient meditation...
Dear friends and #music lovers; my new EP "Biike" is released today.
A wintry trip to the north and the tradition of lighting big bonfires to say goodbye to winter inspired these 7 tracks, mainly recorded on the North Sea island of Föhr, which already have a very special place in my heart.
Boosts are deeply appreciated. :boost_requested:
❤️ 🙏 to Suse for singing, and to @subcastco for rolling the stone!
"see the waves
washing it all away"
Every #download of free releases saves a piece of #culture that is safer on your hard drive than with a for-profit company. Plus, by listening to your local archive, you save a lot of energy that a streaming service consumes.
#download #culture #netlabelday
When creative people get together and carefully select and curate their music, #netlabels are a wonderful independent structure to distribute culture - self-confident. Decentralized storage is the best way to be independent of commercial providers who may stop serving tomorrow. Also, when you use a #CC license, every user knows that he or she is invited to #share your art legally.
#netlabels #cc #share #netlabelday
Happy #netlabelday2023 world wide!
Here is an overview with special publications for #netlabelday 2023:
Thanks @wiloma