#intro My name is Leonardo, I am from Brasil (São Paulo State). I am a PhD. Candidate, interested in #programming, #education, #MAS, and #precision #agriculture. My workflow include #Netlogo, #Python and #LaTeX. I strong believe in #open #source and #open #science.
#intro #programming #education #mas #precision #agriculture #netlogo #python #latex #open #source #science
See the process:
Possible next steps:
- put some random cloud cover in.
- model tree growth in 3D
Any requests for next steps?
@vortex_egg so #NetLogo is #GPL open-source. So WHERE'S THE SOURCE??? :thonking:
and .jar
files are not source :flan_facepalm:
Today Dries Daems from the Middle East Technical University (http://sa.metu.edu.tr/en/assist-prof-dr-dries-daems) is presenting hist research for our last #CDAL seminar of the term. The title: SagaScape: Simulating human impact and community formation in southwest #Anatolia during the first millennium BCE. On the menu: #AgentBasedModeling #netlogo #archaeology #SocialComplexity #HumanEnvironmentInteractions Join us in person in #Cambridge at the #McDonaldInstitute or online: https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUtceugrjIrGNXrttydB_XbuFHMtgssRo33
#CDAL #anatolia #AgentBasedModeling #netlogo #archaeology #socialcomplexity #humanenvironmentinteractions #cambridge #mcdonaldinstitute
@alexandru Nice, my turn now.
PL I've used professionally:
#SQL, #Painless (ES), #JSX / #TSX, #CSS, #Lua (Redis)
PL I've used in school, university:
#MATLAB (heavy use at Politehnica University of Bucharest)
#NetLogo (dialect of Logo, which is in itself a dialect of Lisp, "turtles all the way down")
#Scala (good intro to functional concepts)
#javascript #typescript #python #golang #php #sql #painless #jsx #tsx #css #lua #pascal #c #cpp #matlab #netlogo #scala #prolog #vb6 #opencl #julia #zig #clojure #java
I create this WIP #list to help some #friends to start #programming #learning. Any suggestions, please let me know.
#list #friends #programming #learning #python #netlogo #abm #data #science
#Technology Ph.D Student at #Unicamp - #Brazil.
My #research field is #IoT #agent-based #simulation.
My computing tools are #Netlogo to simulation run and #Python to #data mining and knowledge creation.
#introduction #technology #unicamp #brazil #research #iot #agent #simulation #netlogo #python #data
I just looked for some of my favourite #abm crowd and it's soooo empty 😭
Come on, friends, let's reconnect.
#repast #mesa #netlogo #multiagent #complexity #cas #computationalsocialscience #agentbasedmodelling #abm
#intro time!
I work at the interface between #socialscience #humanities #computationalsciences
In practice, it means I use computers to study loooooong-term dynamics and evolutionary mechanisms of human groups.
Can code, will code! In fact, I will model the hell out of any research question.
Based in Denmark, previously Spain, Germany, UK, Poland.
Occasionally non-academic content on life with devil twins.
#agent-based modelling
#python #netlogo
#netlogo #Python #agent #complexityscience #archaeology #computationalsciences #humanities #socialscience #intro
I'm having tons of fun with the free and open source #Netlogo. Netlogo can be used to create agent based models for physics, chemistry, economics and biology (create your own harmless epidemic) and much more. The interface looks a bit outdated but Netlogo is indeed very accessible and has a nice learning curve.
Netlogo is authored by Uri Wilensky and developed at the CCL and can be downloaded for Linux, OSX and Windows at: https://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/