RT @MozillaZineFr@twitter.com
Navigateurs : la fin de l'user agent fait des victimes #NetMarketShare #WICG /@frsilicon #actu https://www.silicon.fr/navigateurs-user-agent-victimes-350449.html
Navigateurs : la fin de l'user agent fait des victimes #NetMarketShare #WICG /@frsilicon #actu https://www.silicon.fr/navigateurs-user-agent-victimes-350449.html
From 04 May: Windows 10 Users Are Switching To macOS And Linux - As per the latest data released by NetMarketShare, Windows 10 has lost some of its loyal users to m... https://fossbytes.com/windows-10-desktop-market-share-losing-macos-linux/ #desktop-market-share #linux #macos #microsoft #netmarketshare #news #sty-msft-win #tech #windows #windows-10
#windows #tech #sty #news #netmarketshare #microsoft #macos #linux #desktop
A curious thing happened a few days ago: netmarketshare.com reported 7,32% for Linux. Then corrected it to 3,37%..
"What if 7% was actual value? The actual Linux share is kept hidden from public on purpose?"
"NMS Employee: Sir Linux browser marketshare is rising, must be cuz more people are switching to Linux.
(NMS Boss Panics)
NMS Boss: Correct it!
NMS Employee: But sir nothing is wrong with the reports.
NMS Boss: Correct it!!!"
What is YOUR take on this?