Who has experience with #CommunitySolar in #Oregon? It sounds like there has to be some catch but supposedly you're covered by law, that the fund manager will make sure you adjust the subscription so you don't get a bill for #solar power you didn't use at the end of the year. That's hard to believe, given that our #netMetering rules restrict how much you can sell to the grid. (if they really did so well, maybe we need the same lawmakers to revisit net metering and get rental houses in there)
#communitysolar #Oregon #solar #netmetering
@wauz Nein, aber der Netzbezug wird hier trotzdem spürbar reduziert. Mit #netmetering wär's noch Mal wesentlich besser, aber wenn man die Großgeräte tagsüber laufen lässt, verschenkt man auch weniger.
As this report shows, anti-net-metering talking points are based on an outdated version of the grid, where for-profit #utilities control everything. Utilities want to gut #NetMetering to maintain control and use the proceeds to pay for rising utility costs, including the growing costs of addressing #ClimateFueled #catastrophes and #StrandedAssets in #fossilfuel infrastructure.
#utilities #netmetering #climatefueled #catastrophes #strandedassets #fossilfuel
Auch das @BMWK hat nun unsere Forderungen fürs #Balkonkraftwerk übernommen!!
- Abschaffung der Anmeldung beim Netzbetreiber
- Schuko-Anschluss
- Privilegierung in #WEG- und #Mietrecht
- 800W und
- #Netmetering
Hier das Dokument zum Download:
#balkonkraftwerk #Weg #mietrecht #netmetering
@nighthawk @bjRuberg
Nur zur Info:
Hier in Griechenland, wo ich derzeit lebe, gibt es bei privaten Solaranlagen die Verrechnung nach dem " #netmetering " Prinzip.
Einfach gesagt, was man im Sommer zu viel produziert (und ins öffentliche Netz einspeist) bekommt man im Winter zurück (das öffentliche Netz fungiert quasi als Speicher) oder anders ausgedrückt Einspeisevergütung = Strompreis. habe ich am Jahresende einen Überschuss, geht er allerdings für mich verloren und ist ein Gewinn des Stromunternehmens => die privaten Solaranlagen sind an meinen durchschnittlichen Stromverbrauch angepasst.
Wäre vielleicht ein Vorschlag an #BadenWürtemberg
February #solar generation has offset all but $13 worth of energy (net import 120kWh). Very happy with winter production. A little sad about $80+ worth of fees+taxes just for being connected to the grid with #netmetering enabled.
I know there's a lot of places with energy rates much worse than our $0.11/kWh so I can't really complain much. the fees seem like a lot though.
System is 22.08kWp, daily consumption is anywhere from 60-100kWh. Working on better consumption metering.
Send the Committee an email letting them know why you oppose HB 643:
1. Click here https://northernplains.org/bill-tracker/#/ to go the action center on our website and find HB643 under Clean Energy
2. Fill out your address information.
3. Customize your message.
4. Hit "Send"!
If you have questions, call clean energy organizer Emily@northernplains.org"
#MTLeg #CleanEnergy #ClimateAction #ClimateCrisis #SolarEnergy #NetMetering #SolarPanels #MTNews #Montana
#mtleg #cleanenergy #climateaction #climatecrisis #solarenergy #netmetering #solarpanels #mtnews #montana
Contact the House Federal Relations, Energy, and Telecommunications committee TODAY and tell them to vote NO on HB 643! Here is how:
1. Call the Montana Legislature at (406) 444-4800.
2. Leave a message for the House Federal Relations, Energy and Telecommunications committee.
3. Tell them to VOTE NO on HB 643!
4. Call the people below you on your phone tree.
#MTLeg #CleanEnergy #ClimateAction #ClimateCrisis #SolarEnergy #NetMetering #SolarPanels #MTNews #Montana
#mtleg #cleanenergy #climateaction #climatecrisis #solarenergy #netmetering #solarpanels #mtnews #montana
· Direct the PSC to undertake a "Cost of Service Study" for net metering customers. Rather than a "cost benefit analysis" this study would only let the PSC study the costs associated with net-metering and not allow them to factor in the myriad of benefits that net metering has on the grid and for customers. This cost of service study would then be used to justify rates and fees charged to net metering customers.
#SolarEnergy #SolarPanels #NetMetering #MTLeg #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction
#solarenergy #solarpanels #netmetering #mtleg #climatecrisis #climateaction
Montanans: Action Needed by 5 pm today
"HB 643, sponsored by Rep. Josh Kassmier (R- Fort Benton) is a bad bill that would make going solar burdensome and financially unfeasible in Montana.
HB643 would:
· Put net metering customers is a separate customer class and thereby allow the Public Service Commission to set a new rate for net metering customers and charge fees and other costs that won't be charged to other residential customers.
#mtleg #solarenergy #netmetering #mtpol #mtnews
HB 643 - Tell House Energy that Montanans should not be punished for generating their own electricity
#MTLeg #SolarEnergy #MontMastodon #CleanEnergy #MTPol #NetMetering #MTPSC #Montana https://www.congressweb.com/NPRC/15?framed_parent_url_id=23A8C496-5056-86BC-D97B32A87DCB39F3
#mtleg #solarenergy #montmastodon #cleanenergy #mtpol #netmetering #mtpsc #montana
Aus unserem Newsletter von gestern:
- #Habeck: Das #Netmetering kommt!
- Deal der Woche: #PluginPV 600 Wall 45°
- Sicherheitslücke bei #Deye-Wechselrichter
- #DGS bittet um Kommentar
- #Balkonsolar-Podcast nun auf allen Playern abspielbar
#habeck #netmetering #pluginpv #deye #dgs #balkonsolar
Hammer!! Robert #Habeck kündigt bei Markus #Lanz das #Netmetering fürs #Balkonkraftwerk an!
Das werde gerade in die #ENWG Novelle aufgenommen. (Minute 38:00 bis ca. 39:40) https://www.zdf.de/gesellschaft/markus-lanz/markus-lanz-vom-31-januar-2023-100.html
#habeck #lanz #netmetering #balkonkraftwerk #enwg
Aus unserem heutigen Aus unserem heutigen #Newsletter:
- #Netmetering: Belgien
- Deal der Woche: #AceFlex 800W
- Kein Balkon? #Fensterkraftwerk!
- #Balkonkraftwerk bei #Netto
#newsletter #netmetering #aceflex #Fensterkraftwerk #balkonkraftwerk #netto
California’s #RooftopSolar tax obscure the real culprits: Gavin Newsom and Silicon Valley #billionaires. #NetMetering symbolizes the pattern of American politics- the Top 1% (or even Top .1%) has managed to hoard wealth and income by setting everyone else against each other.
#taxtherich #rooftopsolar #billionaires #netmetering
Will N.C. join California in cutting payments to rooftop #solar owners? An update on #netmetering in NC in my weekly WFAE #climate newsletter. Plus, an NC carbon plan update and a #woodpellet whistleblower. Read/subscribe: https://mailchi.mp/wfae/will-nc-join-california-in-cutting-payments-to-rooftop-solar-owners
#solar #netmetering #climate #woodpellet
Will N.C. join California in cutting payments to rooftop #solar owners? An update on #netmetering in NC in my weekly WFAE #climate newsletter. Plus, an NC carbon plan update and a #woodpellet whistleblower. Read/subscribe: https://mailchi.mp/wfae/will-nc-join-california-in-cutting-payments-to-rooftop-solar-owners
#solar #netmetering #climate #woodpellet
The sun is always shining 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲; the wind is always blowing 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲. The key is learning how to share because 𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 energy is cheaper, faster and cleaner than 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 it.
RT @CaliforniaIPL@twitter.com
BREAKING: Despite hundreds of public comments today and for the last two years against NEM 3.0, @CaliforniaPUC@twitter.com just voted to decrease #NetMetering by 75% starting in April 2023. This is antithetical to fighting #climatechange and protecting #publichealth.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CaliforniaIPL/status/1603528288390877185
#netmetering #ClimateChange #publichealth