@sysop408 #NetPrivacy #NetSecurty #NoneOfYourBusiness
I never give my correct b-day to any website (other than certain secure medical or financial sites) that asks for it.
So, if I get a b-day message from any such site, it's always on the wrong day and it isn't my b-day anyway.
LOL! 🤣
#netprivacy #netsecurty #noneofyourbusiness
"In a world at risk of becoming something worse than Panopticon 3.0 - a world of unchecked spyware, shadow profiles and facial recognition - privacy can enable us all to be freer together." (p. 313)
#cappuccino #book #privacy #photography #BookPhotography #NetPrivacy #surveillance #cafe #coffee #Fujifilm #Xt3 #panopticon #OnlinePrivacy #spyware #ShadowProfiles #FacialRecognition
#cappuccino #book #privacy #photography #bookphotography #netprivacy #surveillance #cafe #coffee #fujifilm #xt3 #panopticon #onlineprivacy #spyware #shadowprofiles #facialrecognition