Andrew (R.S Admin) · @ajroach42
6654 followers · 69677 posts · Server

Alright, so here's the situation:

After digging through that thread from yesterday from 2017 I have been going through a bunch of old project notes and docs and stuff from before I started my last day job.

It's interesting, and kind of curious, how much Overlap there is between the things I was working on then and the things I'm planning and thinking about and working on now.

I've refined and sharpened a lot of the concepts I was working on, but there are hints there of what would become and there are hints there of what would become

But there's some interesting ideas here that I left behind and I'm picking back up.


Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew (R.S Admin) · @ajroach42
6652 followers · 69299 posts · Server

I have a second peertube server and peertube roku app (in development for a future project) which is not currently exhibiting this problem.

It's also running a different version of peertube and has a bunch of other server side differences.

I'm going to make it match 's server and see if that breaks the app.


Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew (R.S Admin) · @ajroach42
6652 followers · 69230 posts · Server

For those who are new to these topics, is an idea I had a long time ago to bolt a starship bridge simulator like Space Nerds in Space or Empty Epsilon on to the basic idea of an escape room or a haunted house, and then to stick all of that in the back room of a cafe, complete with flight simulators.

It's an interactive, multiplayer space exploration game + a real world space to tie the game world together + star tours.

I've written about the idea a lot, but the post you want if you're encountering it for the first time starts here:

The Space Explorer's Field Guide (wiki) is a TV show we're slowly working on for New Ellijay Television and probably my favorite of the several series we have in various stages of production and preproduction. The basic premise goes:

The year is 2030. 5 years ago, someone uploaded plans for a DIY interstellar engine to hacker news, and ... It worked. It could be assembled for peanuts.

The american empire has collapsed. The world is in chaos. Interstellar flight is possible, easy, cheap, not remotely safe.

It's a vast, nearly infinite cosmos. All of it is basically uncharted.

A weird combination of hardcore nerds and long haul hikers are out there documenting it and contributing back to the wiki.

Imagine every weird little instance of the fediverse as a guild of space explorers and you'll be most of the way to what I'm envisioning here.

#spacelarpcafe #netv

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew (R.S Admin) · @ajroach42
6532 followers · 68509 posts · Server
Andrew (R.S Admin) · @ajroach42
6514 followers · 68287 posts · Server

I have been talking about diyTV and community media networks a lot recently.

This is because I recently wrote a book about them!


And because I am running a web streaming DIY TV network. (See or )

#netv #newellijaytelivision #newellijayTV

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew (R.S Admin) · @ajroach42
6498 followers · 68206 posts · Server

If you don't have anything better to do this morning, we've got Saturday Morning cartoons and Saturday afternoon Adventure Movies on New Ellijay Television.

#newellijaytelevision #newellijayTV #netv

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew (R.S Admin) · @ajroach42
6445 followers · 68057 posts · Server

Now, I don't have any inside track on the studios, and I don't currently work in the media industry, beyond the work I'm doing to destroy it with the power of community media production re: .

I don't *know* that the studios are scared, running out of money, and so desperate for the writers to take a deal that they would do basically anything, and that they are attempting to shift the narrative to make it seem like that is not the case in order to bluff at least some of the writers in to accepting a bad deal and returning to the table.

I don't Know that, but I strongly suspect it, and I've played poker often enough to know the kinds of hunches I can trust.

#newellijaytelevision #netv

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew (R.S Admin) · @ajroach42
6547 followers · 67555 posts · Server

Up next on (at 5:35) is The Pirates of 1920.

This is a science fiction adventure from 1911 about Air Pirates!


Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew (R.S Admin) · @ajroach42
6546 followers · 67492 posts · Server

9:00:00 New Ellijay News
9:20:00 The Battle of the Century
9:40:00 The Pirates of 1920
10:00:00 New Ellijay News
10:20:00 First Spaceship on Venus
11:40:00 Yongary
1:00:00 New Ellijay News
1:15:00 Expedition Sasquatch S01E01
1:45:00 The Slowest Gun in the West
2:40:00 The Indestructible Man
3:50:00 Rocky Jones Space Ranger - Crash of Moons
5:05:00 Colonel Bleep - S01E10 - Scratch and the Sea Serpent
5:10:00 Space Angel - The Light Barrier - S01E08
5:20:00 Colonel Bleep - S01E12 - Test of Friendship
5:25:00 Colonel Bleep - S01E13 - Shadows of Suspicion
5:30:00 Space Patrol - S03E24 - The Man Who Stole a City
6:00:00 Men with Steel Faces
7:05:00 Jupiter's Ghost s01e01
7:30:00 The Magic Sword
9:55:00 The Phantom Planet
10:15:00 Dark Mistresses Midnight Movie presents Cat Women of the Moon
11:25:00 Little Shop of Horrors

All times Eastern and approximate (peertube introduces a delay of up to two minutes between the time a thing is broadcast and when it is received.)

Watch online:

#netv #newellijaytelevision #DIYTV

Last updated 1 year ago

DoctorDeathray · @DoctorDeathray
640 followers · 2277 posts · Server

For those of you who can't make the Doctor Deathray and her Implements of Destruction (starring @djsundog and @TaxDan alongside myself), we're going to attempt a live stream if we're not too ambitious!

And if you can't catch that, you can listen to all the Deathray tunes you want at:

AND. will have a new video up on shortly featuring the album release show, "Doctor DeathDay."

#AnalogRevolution #netv

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew (R.S Admin) · @ajroach42
6460 followers · 66551 posts · Server

New Ellijay Television has our first permanent installation in a local business. (It's uhhh my business, but that's still a big milestone.)

Catch in store at Ellijay Coffeehouse if you're ever in the area.


Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew (R.S Admin) · @ajroach42
6437 followers · 66298 posts · Server

Alright, so let's talk about and Broadcast Automation.


After lots of fighting with various pieces of software that did almost what I want, but missed some fundamental element (or allegedly did exactly what I want but were broken in some fundamental way) I decided that traditional broadcast automation software was too big of a headache for me.

So I'm using ffplayout (thread)

#newellijaytelevision #broadcastAutomation #netv

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew (R.S Admin) · @ajroach42
6437 followers · 66294 posts · Server

I did the farmers market today, and it was very successful. I also did more work on the live stream software, and that was also very successful. We're like 75% of the way to being fully automated, and like 90% of the way to being reasonably automated and broadcast ready.

Then I picked my wife's car up from the mechanic and had dinner (one of those Upscale low-brow places, shepherds pie but not like any shepherds pie I've ever had before).

Just got home and discovered retro was down. Seems to be a saturday tradition at this point. I really need to move us to block storage.


Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew (R.S Admin) · @ajroach42
6439 followers · 66258 posts · Server

So the thing that I have worked on that's most directly inspired by warehouse 13 is this old idea called

The idea is pretty simple:
High level overview: It's a collection of documents from a victorian era attempt to catalog the occult (the "dreadfuls") presented as an Archive in process.

Now that we're working on I keep seeing how this could play out as a TV show.

#dreadfulDocs #netv

Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew (R.S Admin) · @ajroach42
6540 followers · 65739 posts · Server

@pogiejoe I do a lot of other stuff too, but check or for details.

#newellijaytelevision #netv

Last updated 2 years ago

Andrew (R.S Admin) · @ajroach42
6534 followers · 65596 posts · Server

(the answer, I know, is that the funding went away. I can barely manage to break even on right now, which is besides the point. We have a path to profitability there, but it won't be a path to profitability that includes funding independent feature length films unless something significant changes.

Indie video stores made investing in SOV horror and scifi a profitable endeavor. Blockbuster killed that, and then the VHS tape died.)


Last updated 2 years ago

Alex · @Looterjennings
53 followers · 103 posts · Server

For those who didn't see @ajroach42's post yesterday, is looking for submissions!

Submissions can be just about anything as long as you created it.

We've already received some pretty cool stuff, and the more stuff you submit, the more I get to watch, so let's see the weirdest, most creative stuff you've got!

#netv #diy

Last updated 2 years ago

Andrew (R.S Admin) · @ajroach42
6518 followers · 65224 posts · Server

I am actively looking for independent video creators to share their short films, feature films, or television episodes on New Ellijay Telelvision ( )

I'd love new ongoing stuff, but I'd also be thrilled with movies shot on VHS in your parents basement in 1984.


Last updated 2 years ago

Alex · @Looterjennings
53 followers · 103 posts · Server

Y'all, I'm currently editing the first edition of 's TV Forecast 'zine, and you're in for a treat.

There are a bunch of cool people doing a bunch of cool things that I'm excited for people to see.

You don't have to be local to participate, either. Want to make your own show? Do it and let us help!

matters now more than ever!

#netv #ellijay #participatorymedia

Last updated 2 years ago

Sir Rochard 'Dock' Bunson · @SrRochardBunson
2569 followers · 11097 posts · Server


👋 You should consider submitting videos to

"Hey! Do you make videos?

Especially short films, Television style videos, or Music programs, but really any kind of news or entertainment videos.

New Ellijay Television's Roku app is under review right now, and we're getting ready for our first big promotional push (I'm going to be on the radio. I might be interviewed on television.)

I'm looking for independent, values aligned, original video productions to add to our VOD catalog and our live stream rotation."

#diymedia #diytv #netv #newellijaytv #newellijaytelevision

Last updated 2 years ago