Published #OpenAccess: Our paper "Let's build our tools together! Possibilities and limits of #CoCreation of research software for communication and media studies". In the paper we reflect on our experiences developing #MeSort and #MeTag, #mediarepertoire, #networkanalysis, #QSort with @hohse,,, @zemki, in German:
#openaccess #cocreation #mesort #metag #mediarepertoire #networkanalysis #qsort
Bioinformatic and systems biology approach revealing the shared genes and molecular mechanisms between COVID-19 and non-alcoholic hepatitis. #CoronavirusDisease2019 #NonAlcoholicSteatohepatitis #HubGenes #NetworkAnalysis #Bioinformatics
#coronavirusdisease2019 #nonalcoholicsteatohepatitis #hubgenes #networkanalysis #bioinformatics
If you want to join our meeting (this Wednesday or some other time - we meet monthly!), simply join our google group and have a look at the last post 😀 :
Everyone is welcome! 🤗 #NetworkAnalysis #Archaeology #ComputationalArchaeology #DigitalArchaeology
#networkanalysis #archaeology #ComputationalArchaeology #digitalarchaeology
Vor wenigen Tagen ist die #GraphHNR2023 in #Mainz zu Ende gegangen. Und hier die Ankündigung der #HNR2024 in #Lausanne !
Save the date: 8.-10.7.
#Netzwerkforschung #SNA #HNA #Networkanalysis #DH
#graphhnr2023 #mainz #hnr2024 #lausanne #netzwerkforschung #SNA #hna #networkanalysis #dh
If you want to know more about the Ukrainian Drama Corpus, the geography of #DraCor, and the opportunities for collaboration (a wink 😉 to the @dh2023graz) — come see our poster (no 16) at the #DH2023 poster session
Daniil @skorinkin & Luca Giovannini will be there to answer your questions 💁
#ProgrammableCorpora #NetworkAnalysis
#dracor #DH2023 #programmablecorpora #networkanalysis
Today is a big day for #DraCor: we release the 🇺🇦Ukrainian🇺🇦 Drama corpus! It started with a list of plays compiled by a Ukrainian philologist Bohdan Tokarskyi & was encoded in #TEI with some help from a Ukrainian comp. linguist
@dudarjulia 🙏🙏 Also UDraCor wouldn't happen without the work of @skorinkin & Carsten Milling and the support & advice from @peertrilcke, @umblaetterer & @ingoboerner 🙏🙏🙏
Last but not least @sucho was always an inspiring example for us
#ProgrammableCorpora #NetworkAnalysis
#ComputationalLiteraryStudies #StandWithUkraine
#dracor #tei #digitalhumanities #programmablecorpora #networkanalysis #ComputationalLiteraryStudies #StandWithUkraine
We really need to increase the #NetEng community people and the engagement here. :ansible: :docker: :k8s: :python: :tux:
#Cisco #CheckPoint #Juniper #Fortinet #PaloAlto #DevNet #networking #networkautomation #networkanalysis #networksecurity #networkmonitoring #Python #pyATS #Ansible #Terraform #Docker #Kubernetes #Git #Github #Gitlab #andmorehashtags
#neteng #cisco #checkpoint #juniper #Fortinet #paloalto #DevNet #networking #networkautomation #networkanalysis #networksecurity #networkmonitoring #python #pyats #ansible #terraform #docker #kubernetes #git #github #gitlab #andmorehashtags
Are there any good tools for analysing your Mastodon network in a #GraphTheory / #NetworkAnalysis kind of way?
I'd love to be able to:
- visualise the different groups of people that I follow: what are the connections between the people that I follow? (And that follow me?)
- see which accounts post a lot, or not at all
#graphtheory #networkanalysis #mastodon
It's very curious to me how often the basic #GSS name generator question doesn't automatically lead the people I talk to to name their spouses. Out of 19 interviews so far, almost no one has named a spouse/significant other even when they do name other family members.
#socialnetworkanalysis #SNA #sociology #networkanalysis #socialnetwork #socialnetworks
#gss #SocialNetworkAnalysis #SNA #sociology #networkanalysis #SocialNetwork #socialNetworks
Who is the most popular deity in the #ancient Greek #magical papyrus PGM VII?
He is:
a) connected most often with other deities,
b) connected with the largest number of individual deities, and
c) he occurs in the most rituals.
This is his network.
#archaeology #ancientmagic #digital #digitalhumanities #digitalarchaeology #networkanalysis #SNA #greek #egypt #openscience #wisskomm #scicomm
#ancient #magical #archaeology #AncientMagic #digital #digitalhumanities #digitalarchaeology #networkanalysis #SNA #greek #egypt #openscience #wisskomm #scicomm
Si ça intéresse des gens, je conseille l'excellent vademecum de Sebastien de Valeriola et Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani, qui explique tout, pas à pas, et avec une introduction théorique parfaitement adaptée aux historien/nes !
#histodons #networkanalysis
#SNA #networkanalysis #Gephi
Pour une formation, je fais mumuse avec Gephi. Eh bien il faut avouer que ce machin est bien plus intuitif que Visone que j'utilisais jusque là.
Vive l'analyse de réseaux !
#SNA #networkanalysis #Gephi
Pour une formation, je fais mumuse avec Gephi. Eh bien il faut avouer que ce machin est bien plus intuitif que Visone que j'utilisais jusque là.
Vive l'analyse de réseaux !
What is @Gephi Lite? Who and what is it for? What can it do? An interview with developers of new #opensource web-based network exploration tool:
@jacomyal @paulanomalie
#gephi #networks #networkanalysis #socialmediaanalysis #newmedia #commodon #dataviz
#dataviz #commodon #newmedia #socialmediaanalysis #networkanalysis #networks #gephi #opensource
Parents’ depression can be linked to children’s emotional difficulties
Lisa Lloyd and Derek Tracy summarise a new paper in the BJPsych, which focuses on parental depression symptoms in both mothers and fathers, and how they are linked with emotional difficulties in their children.
#Depression #Parenting #PerinatalDepression #PostnatalDepression #Mothers #Fathers #InfantMentalHealth #EmotionalDifficulties #BJPsych #ALSPAC #NetworkAnalysis
#depression #parenting #perinataldepression #postnataldepression #mothers #fathers #infantmentalhealth #emotionaldifficulties #bjpsych #alspac #networkanalysis
News for literature fans!
Erin McCarthy at @uniofgalway is mapping and modelling how early modern English poetry circulated within the social networks of the times - challenging traditional narratives.
Read more 👇
#EUfunded #networkanalysis #literature
#EUfunded #networkanalysis #literature
I just started my thesis on the topic of "Analyzing Mastodon's Decentralized Network: A Graph Database Visualisation and Network Analysis with Neo4j".
As I am new to Mastodon and currently testing the Mastodon API, do you have any tipps for me as to how to fetch public data with Python? Can you recommend some online ressources?
#networkanalysis #mastodon #neo4j
New song released for "What is #DigitalHumanities? The Album":
Epistolary (networks)
Read, sing along, or download the TEI at
My favourite part of this one is the bridge. Many thanks to Dr Ingeborg van Vugt for providing the metrically perfect example of Magliabechi as a broker in the Republic of Letters.
#DigitalHumanities #TEI #RepublicOfLetters #Magliabechi #EpistolaryNetworks #NetworkAnalysis
#digitalhumanities #tei #republicofletters #magliabechi #epistolarynetworks #networkanalysis
Gephi Lite on the web is now freely available for simple #networkanalysis 🕸️
#DigitalHumanities #DigitalArtHistory
#networkanalysis #digitalhumanities #DigitalArtHistory
Ok, DH-ers, the new web-based Gephi Lite is actually quite cool! Especially if you think of teaching #NetworkAnalysis to students. It lacks some features of the old heavy-weight desktop Gephi, but it is SO much easier, faster and more intuitive! I've already shown Gephi Lite to my #DigitalHumanities students and they are much happier with it than with the desktop version. Kudos @ouestware
@Gephi !🙏
#networkanalysis #digitalhumanities