reimerex · @reimerex
4 followers · 18 posts · Server

[ ] Day 4

In Day 4 Tasks, we learn on how to do

Scanning is procedure to identify living hosts, ports, and services running on specify target.

There are 2 types of scan based on their intrusiveness:
Passive scan is scanning without touching/interacting directly with the target device. The scan usually done being capturing packages using . However, the information you can get are fairly limited.

Active scan is scanning that interacting directly with the target service, usually by sending pocket to specific asset. The scanning will immediately do a deep scan to get a lot of information from the target.

Several techniques:
The scan that aimed to map the entire network of the target. When an attacker has mapped the entire network of their target, they can launch through the weakness of enemy network.

The scan that aimed to look for any open port that capable of sending and retrieving request/data.

The scan that aimed to identify what kind of existed on the network that may threaten the system.

Tools to do scanning:
NMAP is one of the most popular tool used for scanning a network. It can be used to scan open ports, open , open , running , etc.

Nikto is a open source that can be used to identify for . It allows to search a for their subdomains, outdated servers, messages, and many more.

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Last updated 2 years ago

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