#telecomsdrumbeat #networktraffic #traffictax #fairshare https://www.netopia.eu/network-fees-and-the-creative-sector/ What about the European creative sector? Would those companies be impacted by #networkfees? What is Disney refuses to pay? Will e.g Orange block Disney from the web?
Netopia look at the facts ⤵️
#telecomsdrumbeat #networktraffic #traffictax #FairShare #networkfees
During the last 15 months, we have been developing the AI VPN, a tool to perform a security assessment of VPN clients' network traffic to identify cyber security threats. This is the current engine of our Emergency VPN service. #infosec #tools #freesoftware #aivpn #civilsociety #networktraffic #securityassessments
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