"THIS is what we're hinging Canada's #NetZeroBy2050 ambitions on? It's a gobsmacking leap of faith and quite frankly on the climate file this industry and the #PathwaysAlliance has done nothing to deserve it."
PODCAST: https://www.podcastics.com/podcast/episode/alberta-net-zero-by-2050-pathway-to-nowhere-248398/
#cdnpoli #abpoli #yyc #ClimateChange #CarbonCapture #CarbonCaptureAndStorage #CCS #CCUS
#netzeroby2050 #pathwaysalliance #cdnpoli #abpoli #yyc #climatechange #carboncapture #carboncaptureandstorage #ccs #ccus
"This Industry invented climate #denialism. This Industry, as we speak, is turning its back on its obligations towards the orphaned oil wells left littering the #Alberta landscape. None of this is refutable. This is what we're basing Canada's #NetZeroBy2050 plan on? Really?!?"
PODCAST: https://www.podcastics.com/podcast/episode/alberta-net-zero-by-2050-pathway-to-nowhere-248398/
#denialism #alberta #netzeroby2050 #cdnpoli #abpoli #yyc #climatechange #ccs #ccus
✊Together these farms generate enough energy to power 12,500 rural homes per year, and in the process will reinvest their profits into a community benefit fund, estimated to reach a value of £20m.
🌎Money from the community benefit fund will be invested back into those communities, help to create better places, both for the people that live there and for the planet as a whole. Preventing more carbon from entering the atmosphere and moving us towards #NetZeroBy2050
"The #NetZeroBy2050 plan being championed by the #BigOil consortium known as the #PathwaysAlliance relies heavily on #CarbonCaptureAndStorage, one of the great many problems around which involves leaving 80% of the associated emissions unaddressed. It's a fail & not a small one."
PODCAST: https://www.podcastics.com/podcast/episode/alberta-net-zero-by-2050-pathway-to-nowhere-248398/
#netzeroby2050 #bigoil #pathwaysalliance #carboncaptureandstorage #cdnpoli #abpoli #yyc #climatechange #ccs
Any #NetZeroBy2050 plan for #OilAndGas that relies solely on #CarbonCaptureAndStorage is no #NetZeroBy2050 plan at all. It's just not. Hit up our latest podcast to learn why.
PODCAST: https://www.podcastics.com/podcast/episode/alberta-net-zero-by-2050-pathway-to-nowhere-248398/
#netzeroby2050 #oilandgas #carboncaptureandstorage #cdnpoli #abpoli #yyc #climatechange
"Their stated goal as per their website is "reducing annual oil sands emissions to #NetZeroBy2050", a vital pillar for which is #CarbonCaptureAndStorage, which the #IntergovernmentalPanelOnClimateChange #IPCC recently described as the least effective yet most expensive approach"
PODCAST: https://www.podcastics.com/podcast/episode/alberta-net-zero-by-2050-pathway-to-nowhere-248398/
#netzeroby2050 #carboncaptureandstorage #intergovernmentalpanelonclimatechange #ipcc #climate #netzero #climatechange
#NetZeroBy2050 claims (which both of Alberta's major parties make) that don't involve a #NetZeroBy2035 energy grid are very likely to fail and we will fall behind. Will it cost money? Yes. All investments do & smart investments yield rewards.
#yyc #abpoli #Alberta #ClimateChange #SethKlein #ClimateChange
#netzeroby2050 #netzeroby2035 #yyc #abpoli #alberta #climatechange #sethklein
Whoever wins tonight has the critically important job of LEADING #Alberta towards #NetZeroBy2050, which means important work needs doing NOW. Here is a policy we will be advocating for on Day One. We hope you'll join us.
Full Platform here: https://www.calgaryclimatehub.ca/announcing_our_election_climate_platform
#alberta #netzeroby2050 #abpoli #ableg #abelxn #yyc #yeg #albertaelection2023
Whoever wins on Monday has the critically important job of LEADING #Alberta towards #NetZeroBy2050, which means important work needs doing NOW. Here is a policy we will be advocating for on Day One. We hope you'll join us.
Full Platform here: https://www.calgaryclimatehub.ca/announcing_our_election_climate_platform
#alberta #netzeroby2050 #abpoli #ableg #abelxn #yyc #yeg #albertaelection2023
Whoever wins on Monday has the critically important job of LEADING #Alberta towards #NetZeroBy2050, which means important work needs doing NOW. Here is a policy we will be advocating for on Day One. We hope you'll join us.
Full Platform here: https://www.calgaryclimatehub.ca/announcing_our_election_climate_platform
#AlbertaElection #abpoli #ableg #yyc #ClimateChange #AlbertaElection2023 #Urbanism #ActiveTransportation
#alberta #netzeroby2050 #albertaelection #abpoli #ableg #yyc #climatechange #albertaelection2023 #urbanism #activetransportation
Whoever wins on Monday has the critically important job of LEADING #Alberta towards #NetZeroBy2050, which means important work needs doing NOW. Here is a policy we will be advocating for on Day One. We hope you'll join us.
Full Platform here: https://www.calgaryclimatehub.ca/announcing_our_election_climate_platform
#alberta #netzeroby2050 #abpoli #ableg #abelxn #yyc #yeg #albertaelection2023
Whoever wins on Monday has the critically important job of LEADING #Alberta towards #NetZeroBy2050, which means important work needs doing NOW. Here is a policy we will be advocating for on Day One. We hope you'll join us.
#abpoli #ableg #abelxn #yyc #yeg #AlbertaElection2023 #ClimateChange
#alberta #netzeroby2050 #abpoli #ableg #abelxn #yyc #yeg #albertaelection2023 #climatechange
Whoever wins on Monday has the critically important job of LEADING #Alberta towards #NetZeroBy2050, which means important work needs doing NOW. Here is a policy we will be advocating for on Day One. We hope you'll join us.
#alberta #netzeroby2050 #abpoli #ableg #abelxn #yyc #yeg #albertaelection2023
Le Capitali – De Luca (PD) sul PNRR: La destra rischia di far perdere all’Italia un’occasione storica https://euractiv.it/section/capitali/news/le-capitali-de-luca-pd-sul-pnrr-la-destra-rischia-di-far-perdere-allitalia-unoccasione-storica/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #GuerraRussiaUcraina2022 #NetZeroby2050 #NextGenerationEU #PNRR
#guerrarussiaucraina2022 #netzeroby2050 #NextGenerationEU #pnrr